Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
Subject: Outline of UTS paper: Sun Myung Moon and the Foreign Missions to 120 Nations (1975)
"I, Paula Petersen-Fujiwara, am the author of a 35 page paper of Father's words concerning the pioneer foreign missions that began in 1975. It was written in 1989 for a course at UTS where I graduated with a Masters of Religious Education in 1989. I only have a few hard-copies. I need technical advice on how get the entire paper on here for all to see. I have an idea for a book centering on this paper. Any of us who feel inspired could include short testimonies that would complement Father's words as I have arranged them in my paper. Please see the Table of Contents which follows and give me feedback.:
I. The Providential Significance of the Foreign Missions: A. Signif. of the 120 Nations, B. Signif. of the Japanese, German and American Trinities, C. Choosing the Foreign Missionaires.
II. Instructions and Encouragement Before Going Out;
A. Guidance of an Internal Nature:1. The primary purpose--unity with counterparts, 2. Ancestors of the Land, 3. having the heart of a parent who can mobilize the spirit world, 4. Avoiding sexual temptation, 5. Our attitude toward teaching DP, 6. How to pay indemnity, 7. Visit spiritually open people, 8. Don't make enemies, 9. Don't be afraid, be courageous, 10. How to prevail over difficulties.
B. Guidance of an external nature, 1. The various roles of FMs, 2. Raise a leader in place of yourself, 3. strategies for different religions and regions---Moslems, black Africa
4. Approaching high-level people, 5. Economic victory
C. God and True Parents are relying on you FMs,
D. Ceremony to connect the pioneer nations to the Belvedere Int'l Holy Ground (5-15-75)
III. The 1978-79 indemnity condition of the 40 FMs in London
IV. Father's remarks about the FMs on the occasion of his 60th birthday celebration, 2/80
A. "Acts of the Apostles"---5 year testimonies (First World Conference)
B. Lonely course of suffering, C. Persecution, D. Attitude toward pain, E. Key to unity,
F. True Abel (Jacob)
V. Conclusion Appendix A: List of FMs, Appendix B: Chart: True Parents' and the UC's 21 year course, Appendix C: "Instructions to Overseas Missionaries" Poster
This paper would be the backbone of a book with "vignettes" of testimonies relating to Father's guidance to us FMs. If you have your 5 year testimony or life testimony which Father requested from us in 1980 and 1985-ish, then, you could extract bits from those testimonies. I am aware that many of us want to write memoirs or missionary testimonies and perhaps publish them. We could still do that but I am suggesting a joint project sharing photos and short testimonies that relate to unity ( or lack thereof) with our counterparts or working in a Muslim country or being among the 40 of us who were called to London in 1978. We could get real creative with this, using computer graphics and design, whatever your talent is for contributing to this book project---poetry, artwork, photos, testimonies---the sky is the limit. It might do well in bookstores once Father's memoir becomes a best seller in our languages and home countries. Comments, suggestions? Since I only have a hard copy, do I need to scan it and then upload it somehow. I'm not an IT person. I'm technologically challenged! PP-F
P.S. Robert, please put this message where everyone can see it, thanks."
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