Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
Life is a School
A calm peace and joy are slowly dawning in your heart, soul, and mind. Trust this process of beginning to know the leadings of Me within You.
Only you can experience this with Me, as each mortal can experience this peace with their own indwelling Spirit, which exists above and beyond all human reasoning, but can be sensed by experiencing this Gift in the resulting calm and joy.
No on will be able to understand the peace that you feel, until they, too, have reached that point of trust. You will instantly know this when you meet kindred spirits, as you sense this fragrant calm about them.
It is a recognition of sorts, and a quiet rejoicing. In this rejoicing a bond of heavenly friendship springs up, and even when apart, a sense of spiritual connectedness remains forever…….
Eventually, after you have reached your next stage of existence and destination in eternal life, you will again seek out this spiritual friendship for Love is never lost. Even though you never met in the mortal estate, you will sense this fragrance also in mortals from other planets.
The eternal Creator delights in creating as many different life forms as possible. They are those who are indwelt with the capacity for worship and wisdom, and choose to answer the call of Spirit and the attraction of Paradise. They will learn to listen to the inner Guide, which the eternal God so graciously bestowed upon His mortal creatures to help them find their way to Paradise.
All shall by their free will, and decision making, ascend out of the dust of the material temple at the dissolution of the mortal estate. They will travel to the shores of the mansion worlds to continue their training in the eternal quest of their search for God and into eternal Glory.
Many mysteries await those, who accept this eternal challenge in faith and trust in the loving overcare and perfect guidance on the road ahead.
Such are the plans of the Eternals. Whosoever will, may come.
It is true that the worries and strains of daily life can take their toll, and thereby take a great deal of joy out of living.
This is the reason why I desire for you to live each day more mindfully. There is no reason why you should have to worry about anything at all. The first and foremost thing to do, is to come to Me each early morning, so you start your day on a calm footing with a trusting heart, and not be rushed during the day ahead.
When already rushed, the whole day will be filled with tension, which ultimately is not helpful to body, mind, or soul. As well, you open yourself to attracting accidents and disease.
The more securely you place yourself in God’s overcare and protection, the smoother your day will flow. Put this advice to the test.
I know that you have experienced a little of this already, but the great majority of people have not. Do not worry about the opinions of others, or of keeping up with the ‘Joneses’ in having to buy what you do not need. All things required will be provided, but you cannot serve two masters---God and mammon.
With the god of mammon, this planet is in the process of reaching an utterly materialistic state, where great burdens in the form of heavy taxation are placed upon the shoulders of all citizens. This is largely due to the fact that you are still involved in wars among yourselves.
True peace and calm will only come when everyone starts accepting all others as children of the same Creator. The mortals of this planet have not yet seriously begun to direct their attention inward to seek out that better way of life.
Ask yourself why you are here. What is the purpose of living? What is your destiny? Truly, dear on, the only purpose and destiny is to seek the ultimate Creator on Paradise.
God desires to be intimately involved in all experiences in the lives of all mortals, yet above the clamor and the din of the world His still Voice is rarely heard---this Voice, which has been so graciously bestowed upon each thinking human child to help guide it on the way to Paradise.
Come, let us commune.
From The Guiding Light Within
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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