Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Sun Myung Moon and the Foreign Missions to 120 Nations (1975) by Paula Peterson Fujiwara

Attached here is a copy of Paula Peterson Fujiwara's theme paper for the Life and Thought of Sun Myung Moon course taught by Dr. Carlson in the Spring of 1989 at UTS.

Paula does a great job of assembling most of True Parent's directions, internal and external guidance as well as his comments on the responsibilities as well as his hopes for the Foreign Missions.

The appendix holds a great list of all foreign missionaries sent out starting in the 1960s as well as the entire list of missionaries from three nations sent in 1975.

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thanks for organising this for Paula.
It's also really great that it can be downloaded as a PDF.
It is certainly also a resource for others.
Great historical testimony!
This is Paula. My maiden name is correctly spelled Petersen and this paper on Father's words to the 1975 missionaires was not a Masters thesis but a theme paper for the Life and Thought of Sun Myung Moon course taught by Dr. Carlson in the Spring of 1989, the year I graduated from U.T.S. I haven't read this attachment yet so I'm not sure if there are any other errors. I'll mention any that I find once I read it.
Thanks Paula. I fix that this evening. Let me know anything else you find.

Paula Petersen-Fujiwara said:
This is Paula. My maiden name is correctly spelled Petersen and this paper on Father's words to the 1975 missionaires was not a Masters thesis but a theme paper for the Life and Thought of Sun Myung Moon course taught by Dr. Carlson in the Spring of 1989, the year I graduated from U.T.S. I haven't read this attachment yet so I'm not sure if there are any other errors. I'll mention any that I find once I read it.

I have now downloaded to my computer, "Sun Myung Moon and the foreign Missions to 120 Nations (1975)".

I pray that it enables me in my mission as a wittness to my own country of America.

Many thanks.  Timothy Lee Houston. 12/17/2010.

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