One of the problems to realize "thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"---is the conflict between religions. And, there are two main sub-problems within each religion that create the barriers to world spiritual unification.
One is the "chosen people" concept and the other one is the "belief in the divinity of their respective guide books".
Because God is the Father of all mankind, is no respecter of persons, and loves everyone equally--He shines His light and love down upon any free will person that desires to be in contact with Him. It doesn't matter what you call yourself--be it a Hindu, Muslim, Buddist, or a Christian. If you live your life loving God and Serving mankind, God's spirit will be with you. The mistake that the followers of the different religions make is that when they feel God's love, they mistakenly assume that it is because of the religion they adhere to.
And because each religions "Bible" contain truth that edifies and guides the development of their character growth, they mistakenly assume that their version must have fallen from the sky, directly from God. And it becomes further entrenched in their minds when the source of their book contains expressions from the founder of their religion.
I know that some of you will say, "but my book is really the right one because it is so right on every time".
There is one God, and He has Universal Truth. Each religion has but only fragments of that truth, and that truth is only understood on only so many levels. The understanding of truth is a project that is going to take much more time in Earths history. The best way to understand more of the big picture of truth is to study the finest points of all of the worlds major religions. To that effect, a New Revelation has been given to earth-bound men and women. This book is called The Urantia Book. I have been a reader now for 26 years and to this day, I am still blending my knowledge of what little I know about Universal Truth with The Divine Principle.
Peace will come, when I and you, can learn to love all others unconditionally, without judgment and without criticism. It will come, when we all understand that all people are children of the Heavenly Father.