Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
Who is Rev. Moon?
I know that all of you have been breathlessly waiting for my answer. A lot of Unification Church members have questions about the divinity of Rev. Moon and his family. Those little questions roll around in our heads from time to time; and; we might even feel quilty about it. We may think that it is part of our fallen nature for us to entertain questions.
So, how can we know for sure?
The way we can find out is to look at religious men down through history----establish what we consider to be a divine set of values----and look at the pattern of that person’s life. We have the answer right inside of us. It’s been there all the time. As a result of reading the revelation—The Urantia Book, and its extensive coverage of the life of Jesus of Nazareth; I came to understand what the ideal man is supposed to be. You see, we are all children of our Heavenly Father, and as such, we have a divine connection to Him. Because of this, we can relate to how Jesus lived and what he said. Jesus said things like; “I came not to serve, but to serve”. “You must love God with all your heart and love and serve your brothers and sisters as you love yourself”. He washed the disciple’s feet; demonstrating that a child of God is one that unconditionally loves and serves his brother.
Jesus called himself the “Son of God” and the “Son of Man”. He said, “Before Adam was, I AM”.
These are the values of a Son of God; and even; the Christ. Urantia reveals for the first time; a day-to-day, in depth account of the Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. With that knowledge, every other spiritual man can be evaluated. And that is the basis of my understanding. I am perfectly at one with my understanding. It allows for me to unconditionally love Rev. Moon and yet; understand who he is: Rev. Moon is a highly gifted spiritual pioneer, in the class of Buddha; Yogananda; Sri Bahteswar; Mohamed; Lao Tzu; and other spiritual leaders. His strengths include; the unification of religion; racial blending; development of personal discipline; promotion of unified science; helping to defeat Communism; religious education; and on and on.
But, is he the Lord of the 2nd Advent? No—he cannot be. Why do I believe this? I believe this for the simple reason that he has had a very active ego. He could not be a Jesus because he does not and has not lived a selfless life of service. He has placed himself above his disciples in everything from his personal lifestyle to having personal/original sin. Just the story of Hyo Jin should be enough of a sign that this could not possibly be true. God owns this universe and it is all His. No being, including Lucifer, ever owned anything or any of God’s children, unless they consciously chose it.
God would never punish his children for something someone else did. The concept of Original Sin is false. And the concept of God having to ransom his Son in order to pay Satan a debt is false.
Now that I know that Rev. Moon is a man, just like me----I can applaud his achievements; deeply respect him; and maybe even participate in some of his projects and his inspirations---and yet understand his life, including his mistakes---without fear. You see my friends; Jesus Christ is still the Son of God; and He is still in charge of our universe. It is through surrendering our hearts to him, that all else falls into place. You can focus on Rev. Moon if you want---God is no respecter of persons and He can work through anyone and everyone. By your motives and your efforts to do Gods Will---God will make Himself known to you-------no matter what religion you follow. That is what a true Father does. Religion is a man made thing while Christ; The Spirit of Truth; and The Holy Spirit are living spirits that function inside the purple flame of the heart. Once you have that kind of love inside of you-------you know that you are in God’s heart. Your only requirement is your dedication.
Thank you for the post Jim.Lots of food for thought.
I was wondering how Divine Principle fits into this as True Father is the only one who explained how the Fall of Man happened.Of course others in history notably St Augustine gave ideas that it was something to do with sex,etc but did not explain HOW it happened.?
Secondly are we then still waiting for a Lord of a Second Advent to come,as the world is still pretty messed up.?
Good questions. Since we are all connected to God's sea of love, and can receive inspiration from the spirit world; truth will be truth, wherever we find it. Again, I say--read "The Lucifer Rebellion", in The Urantia Book and see what it says about the Fall of Man. (after you read the first chapter on The Universal Father)
The account is so much more extensive and thoughtful---and it forever frees us from having to live a life unable to escape from our animal bodies because of the seed of sin.
I find that truth is a moving target. God keeps giving us more of it, the more we are able to understand of it. There are so many levels of truth--especially since we are presently physical finite created beings trying to understand infinite concepts.
In regards to the Second Coming; Jesus did say that He was going to come back---but he did not say when.
Not even the angels know. But we are led to believe that he will not come back until the peoples of Earth are able to elevate themselves up above our current level. We are poised on the brink of something spectacular, and
we can be grateful that we are spiritually aware and have the hearts of servants.
You can search The Urantia Book at It is a large revelation that came out in 1934.
Jim,thanks for that ,
will look into it
Jim Spencer said:
Good questions. Since we are all connected to God's sea of love, and can receive inspiration from the spirit world; truth will be truth, wherever we find it. Again, I say--read "The Lucifer Rebellion", in The Urantia Book and see what it says about the Fall of Man. (after you read the first chapter on The Universal Father)
The account is so much more extensive and thoughtful---and it forever frees us from having to live a life unable to escape from our animal bodies because of the seed of sin.
I find that truth is a moving target. God keeps giving us more of it, the more we are able to understand of it. There are so many levels of truth--especially since we are presently physical finite created beings trying to understand infinite concepts.
In regards to the Second Coming; Jesus did say that He was going to come back---but he did not say when.
Not even the angels know. But we are led to believe that he will not come back until the peoples of Earth are able to elevate themselves up above our current level. We are poised on the brink of something spectacular, and
we can be grateful that we are spiritually aware and have the hearts of servants.
You can search The Urantia Book at It is a large revelation that came out in 1934.
Jesus Christ is God's son. I know this and follow His teaching's.I also know I am a son of God and it pains me
that prejudement allows others to simpy write off Sun Myung Moon as less than he is. After a life of membership
in The Unification Church my investagations are complete.
May I suggest you look before you leap. The fall kills.
God bless you Mr. Spencer as you await His second coming."As the lighting flashes from the East to the West".
Timothy, Timothy, Timothy,
Do not be worried, do not be pained. I have looked--before I leaped. I was the first Unification Church member in Alaska in 1973. I was one of the first 12 American overseas missionaries appointed by Father. I spent many a day sitting before him at Barrytown. I was in the Madison Square Garden and Celebration of Life campaigns. I was in Rev. Vincenz team and Sam Pells team in Wash. I have been connected with the movement for almost 40 years. I was matched by Father in London, married in Madison Square Garden, and have been married to the same wife for 30 years. I went through many a 40 Day workshop and I have brought in several members. I know the DP back and forth.
When I joined the Unification Church, after hearing the Divine Principle for two weeks----I sold all my belongings, left my first wife, and joined the movement. I believed that Father was the Messiah until 1986.
But, whether he is or he is not----and whether I believe he is or is not-----is not a matter to feel guilty or feel fearful about because---I am a son of God too, (just as you are)--and He is in control of my life. God is a God of unconditional love. At all times---at every moment---we must forgive ourselves for everything and forgive all others for everything. That is God's standard. God is not a God of fear and guilt. Fear and guilt are products of our animal heritage---given to us for protection. The higher source are our hearts and our brains. God gave them to us so that we can superscede our animal fears. Any religion that uses guilt and fear as tools is a mistake. God, who sits on the circle of eternity (past, present, future)---created us and knows us well. He knows what we will do before we do it. And God is logical. He wouldn't do something, knowing full well that his weak children would fail. That would make God a gameplayer, rather than a loving Father.
You were searching when you found Father and the UC. How else could you have left fundamental Christianity?
Do you think that God wants you to stop thinking now? Rev. Moon was scaffolding, a bridge for me to cross over to learn new things about the cosmos and the true nature of the universe. Don't ever let fear stop you from continuing to cross the bridges to understanding.
Have not fear and always say., "all is well for them that love the Lord".
Dear Mr. Spencer,
Thank you for your understanding of my fear. I was in awe, not fear of The Lord God when I was raptured
and stood before Him in The Kingdom of Heaven, on February 26th, 1984. His first 3 words were, "They
Butchered him". After He severed my right spiritual arm. He showed me my name in The Book of Life and
then asked, "Have you seen my home"?
It is quite a place. With servants, Archangels, who cry tears and press to their lips and say, "How sweet, how very,very sweet".
I am not a saint, by any means. And if not for the blessing's of True Parents I would not know The Lord God
on a first name basis.I think I crossed The Bridge of understanding the meaning of True.
Please do not judge Rev. Moon lightly. You have not lived his life. Also. You presume to "know" Jesus. Jesus was judged by the people of his time just as much as Rev. Moon is judged and criticized during his life. Have you tried to do what he does? True love is not a simple concept. Raising my own children has taught me that.
Please do not judge Rev. Moon lightly. You have not lived his life. Also. You presume to "know" Jesus. Jesus was judged by the people of his time just as much as Rev. Moon is judged and criticized during his life. Have you tried to do what he does? True love is not a simple concept. Raising my own children has taught me that.
Dear Margret Winter----
Thank you for caring enough to reply to my message. I'm very surprised at how few 1975 Missionaries have enough passion to feel offended when their leader is questioned. I think you are right; I should not judge Father because I have not lived his life and I do not really know his heart. Jesus hated sin but he loved the sinner---and if I am supposed to be an apostle of Jesus Christ---then I should also have his heart of unconditional love. Unconditional love---which is God's love---also means total forgiveness or forgetfulness. No matter who I think Rev. Moon is; if I am truly a desciple of Christ; then I must love him unconditionally, no matter what. Only then; can I weigh the truth; for me---which is part of my free will right and responsibility as a child of God. As my life of faith grows through time; I am gaining the experience through Heaven's teaching; to understand more about God's plan for me----"you must be perfect". I think I can safely say; that is God's plan for all of his children. Until that day in the eternal future; when we can stand before the Universal Father on Paradise; we cannot able to understand the mysterious ways of God and how he uses the people He chooses for certain missions. So, it is absurd to think that I could judge Rev. Moon from any perspective except that I know that he is a Son of God; as we all are.
When one says; "you presume to know"----what you are really saying is that "you think you know----but I don't think you do". And, that is also what the Phariscees and Scribes said to Jesus; didn't they?
Doesn't the Bible give account where they said that Jesus "presumed?"
The UC uses "member testimonies" to edify knowledge and emotional understanding of the internal concepts of God and Christ. Is it UC practise for the members to disregard testimonies on the basis that the members might be presumptuous?
When I say that I know Jesus; it is my testimony. What possible reason would there be for another person to question my testimony? That is unless one knew me and found that my stated belief did not match up with my behavior or character?
Jesus is a real universal spirit. He lives and He declared that He was sending the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all truth. I'm happy to report to you that all this is absolutely true. The Spirit of Truth and The Holy Spirit are real and they are active within the human mind and heart.
I look forward to continued discussions with my sisters and brothers---without fear. After all; even though God is a God of absolute goodness; he allows sin to happen in order to uphold His principle of Free Will.
I should clarify: My married name is Orr. I had added Winter for those, who knew me before the Blessing and may not have met me since then.
I feel humbled by your passion to search and find!
The Divine Principle has instilled an awareness in me of the purpose of life (and so much more). I came to understand the purpose for Jesus' coming and what he was prevented to achieve. What would have happened if Jesus could have had a family? NO one but TF has ever talked about that heart of Jesus.
Without having been exposed to the DP we would not have this discussion. I am very grateful for the DP.
Jim Spencer said:
Dear Margret Winter----
Thank you for caring enough to reply to my message. I'm very surprised at how few 1975 Missionaries have enough passion to feel offended when their leader is questioned. I think you are right; I should not judge Father because I have not lived his life and I do not really know his heart. Jesus hated sin but he loved the sinner---and if I am supposed to be an apostle of Jesus Christ---then I should also have his heart of unconditional love. Unconditional love---which is God's love---also means total forgiveness or forgetfulness. No matter who I think Rev. Moon is; if I am truly a desciple of Christ; then I must love him unconditionally, no matter what. Only then; can I weigh the truth; for me---which is part of my free will right and responsibility as a child of God. As my life of faith grows through time; I am gaining the experience through Heaven's teaching; to understand more about God's plan for me----"you must be perfect". I think I can safely say; that is God's plan for all of his children. Until that day in the eternal future; when we can stand before the Universal Father on Paradise; we cannot able to understand the mysterious ways of God and how he uses the people He chooses for certain missions. So, it is absurd to think that I could judge Rev. Moon from any perspective except that I know that he is a Son of God; as we all are.
When one says; "you presume to know"----what you are really saying is that "you think you know----but I don't think you do". And, that is also what the Phariscees and Scribes said to Jesus; didn't they?
Doesn't the Bible give account where they said that Jesus "presumed?"
The UC uses "member testimonies" to edify knowledge and emotional understanding of the internal concepts of God and Christ. Is it UC practise for the members to disregard testimonies on the basis that the members might be presumptuous?
When I say that I know Jesus; it is my testimony. What possible reason would there be for another person to question my testimony? That is unless one knew me and found that my stated belief did not match up with my behavior or character?
Jesus is a real universal spirit. He lives and He declared that He was sending the Spirit of Truth to guide us into all truth. I'm happy to report to you that all this is absolutely true. The Spirit of Truth and The Holy Spirit are real and they are active within the human mind and heart.
I look forward to continued discussions with my sisters and brothers---without fear. After all; even though God is a God of absolute goodness; he allows sin to happen in order to uphold His principle of Free Will.
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