Throughout history, missionaries from various religions have gone out to other countries to spread their particular "gospels". That is how the religions spread through the expanding world. Take Buddism, for example. Sidhartha was a minor prince of a petty feudal tribal leader in India. Years later, after Sidhartha's death; devout followers of his "path of enlightenment", expanded a modified Buddism religion throughout China, Tibet, Japan, Korea, and many other countries. The religion has taken on different flavors as it expanded. No doubt, much of Buddism does not resemble the founders original idea.
In 1975, 360 excited, mission-oriented followers of the Divine Principle, set out to 120 countries to desiminate the teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon. I was one of those people. Alters were set up; conditions were made; workshops were attended; local languages were learned. And slowly; members were found. In some countries; the movement flourished and grew. In some countries; it was impossible to go beyond the established national religion---such as in some of the Islamic countries.
Now, it is 37 years later. This is supposed to be the website for the 1975 missionaries. But, where have all the missionaries gone? Is there another site? Has everyone returned to their secular lives? I know that some missionaries still reside in their mission countries and continue to do their work "out in the field".
The question asks itself----is the movement dying? Will it morphe into some other religious tradition?
Will this elite bunch of pioneers pass on to the spiritual world with no knowledge of their legacy left behind?
The proof of any religious discipline is in the fundamental spiritual changes that it makes to a soul; a filling up of a person with the spirit of God. Such spirit-led people would be overflowing with the power and majesty of the love of Christ; especially if Christ himself were re-incarnated on earth in a servant with the heart of the Father.
My question is; where is everyone? What happened?
There are all kinds of reunions from everything from war vets to stamp collectors. Why no passion from the followers of the Lord of the 2nd Advent?
Can anyone answer these questions?
I'd love to hear.

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