Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
You love to bandy the words--satan and evil----about----quite a bit. Whenever you say such words---you are speaking from a dark place in your own soul. God is a God of Love----a God of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. God is light and joy, and happiness. God is purity of heart---of unconditional love, and unconditional forgiveness. When a person is fixated upon the evil in the world---it comes from a place of FEAR of the dark, the unknown, and the bogeyman. There is evil on this earth---but all evil comes from peoples thoughts and actions--from their minds. We all want a Scapegoat---someone that we can blame and transfer our internal fears to. This is the self-created prison that people put themselves in. People are so desperate to find a way out of their prisons, that they cling to anyone that they think can help them find enlightenment. That's why people worship rock stars, actors, artists, and ministers. Because people don't know the way out of their dilemnas, they rely on anyone that they believe has the way.
A true religious leader points to God----always to God. A true religious leader never points to himself.
A self-realized master is a person that has learned to completely empty themself and turn it ALL over to God. God said that "we must be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect". That is the mission of every person in life. The way we become perfect is to acquire the heart of God through experience. When we acquire the heart of God---we become liberated beings of light, love, joy, happiness, and peace. We become reflections of the holy nature of God. The only way that we can become reflections of God on a higher level---is when we no longer live from our EGO----our self-created being. To a self-realized master, it is never about the master---for the master has become a crystal, through which God's attributes can flow through----truth, beauty, and goodness.
All the crowns and robes in the world can only convince the ignorant, the weak, and the gullible---that a human being is divine. All of the elaborate speeches spoken for hours and hours---cannot convey the beauty and the freedom of a life lived for God----a life of consecration for the Creator of our universe.
Jim, look within, to the inside of your heart. Are you overflowing with deep love for all people and all creation? Are you living in a world of love and light with a desire to help others on their spiritual earth journeys? Or are you a paranoid, fearful person---seeing evil everywhere. Are you respecting the Free Will gift that the Creator gave to each person? Or, are you the angry, stern, taskmaster---determined to jam textbooks and teaching materials down everyone's throat---because you think you have---the truth?
During your earth walk---are you naturally joyful and happy---like the little birds are that sing in the trees all day long? Or, is your mind blinded with fear and aprehension? I can tell you, from the words you speak---that it is the latter. Is this God's plan for your life? Is this how He created you to live?
Soul search, my man----go out in nature in the sunshine----there you will find the Plan of Creation. You can't find that in any book----especially if the writer is all about self-glorification rather than God glorification. Can't you see that? How long will your eyes remain closed, my friend?
You know, you might try getting ripped someday or smoking some weed--a plant which God created. I don't normally recommend drugs or alcohol to anyone, because they can cause damage and addictions---but you really need something to loosen you up, and get you back in the mainstream of life. Take a vacation to Hawaii or something---and look at some of the beautiful world God created. Find some way to break your compulsion to nonsense.
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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