Truth is truth, no matter where it comes from....................and that statement by Rev. Moon is truthful.
In my humble opinion----He is right on. The core of the relationship between God and Man is the "Father--Son Relationship"------which I call, "The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man".
The way that we can achieve the heart-growth that puts us consciously in this position----is through service. That's why Jesus said, "forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive others". The only way we can get to the circle of existance where God rules our lives is through serving others with love. We can LEARN about the message of life but we must LIVE the message every day. Can't get there by books, or drugs, or by birthright. We must go through the Formation, Growth, and Perfection stages of heart growth. That is why the pathway upwards is often steep, rocky, and thorny. When we commit to setting out on the course to find God-----a pearl of great price----we will be guided, step-by-step. But the process is the process of soul destruction and rebuilding. This is necessary in order for God to build eternal children that cannot fall.
No matter what you call yourself, or what philosophy you follow---the Principle is the Principle. DP calls it "Restoration through Indemnity". In the Bible, it's called "The Rebirth of the Spirit" In Urantia, it's called "Achieving the 7 Psychic Circles of Personality Development". Whatever it's called----it requires dedication; consecration; and an atttude of service. The best position from which to view the process is on our knees. Until, we are willing to give it all up, to turn it all over to the spirit that lives inside us--we will continue on in our own willfulness. Sometimes it takes great tragedy for us to seek something better and higher. Some never get beyond their own willful natures, and are destined to continue their journey on the next level of life. It's all up to us---whatever we choose.
Empty me Lord, so You can fill me with Your Love.
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