Unification Church 1975 missionaries

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The Difference between Equality of the Sexes and the Role of Men and Women

 I was confused in UC concerning the relationship between the husband and the wife and this explanation makes it more clear for me.

"The problem with the written word is that it can be interpreted in different ways. When individual expressions are used---rather than a multiple of expressions relating to the same subject---something can be lost in the teaching.

For example---just using one expression about "sex equality"---that men and women are equal in mind endowment and spiritual status---rather than deeper study----could confuse and create difficulties in monogamous pair couples---the Human Family.

Consider this----"Eve worked by the side of her husband"; and; "the Melchizedeks had especially enjoined Eve…never to stray from the side of her mate…"  Why didn't it say that Adam worked at the side of Eve and Adam should never stray from the side of Eve?

Further----It was Michael that incarnated on Earth; not Nebadonia.  And, God manifests Himself to the universes as a Father. God is called the Universal Father----not the Universal Mother.

What does this mean?  What needs to be understood is the difference between equality in spiritual status and mind endowment and------the role of the Father Spirit and the role of the Mother Spirit.

When Jesus returned to his abode after his resurrection, Urantia says that Nebadonia submitted herself to Michael and then Michael gave Her all power in Heaven and Earth. There is a difference between equality and the natural roles that  were imbued into the creation and is prevelant throughout all creation.

From my personal experience; the problems in marriages stem from the fact that men and women do not understand the concept of "mutual submission"----total surrender and service of one another. If men could respect the Mother Spirit role that the woman has and women could respect the Father Spirit role that men have been created with---------unity and harmony would ensue. Urantia describes this harmony between the Universal Father and the Infinite Spirit well.

According to Unification Thought, when the subject and the object unite---they can change positions. This occurs in humans when men become true  men (masculine) and women become true women (feminine). Then, an atmosphere of trust ensues, which leads to unity and harmony-----a perfect marriage.

God obviously had different roles for men  and women----otherwise, why wouldn't he just make everyone male or everyone female? Why don't both men and women species bear children? God equipped the female to nurture the baby. In nature, the male and female birds take turns sitting on the eggs while the other hunts.

It is not enough to just say that there is equality because this can imply that there is no order, no rules, no laws. Again---look at how Jesus ran his family when his father died. Jesus had a very formal family structure. He talked about sex equality because of the discrimination against women-----they were treated as property and were victimized by aggressive males. On the other hand, Urantia praised the cave man with the club, guarding his wife and child from the saber tooth tiger.

The highest goal in human society, according to DP, is the Traditional Family Unit. The best way to harmonize and elevate the family unit and decrease the divorce rate is for us to learn the deeper meanings between equality, roles, and universal organizational structure.

Remember------"liberty without license"; and "the truth shall make us free". Consider that the heavenly hosts are all organized into platoons and companies----and operate under a chain of command----based on spiritual seniority of heart and heavenly wisdom. And, "there was war in heaven between the armies of Heaven and the forces of the rebels."


"Adam endeavored to teach the races sex equality. The way Eve worked by the side of her husband made a profound impression upon all dwellers in the Garden. Adam definitely taught them that the woman, equally with the man, contributes those life factors which unite to form a new being. Theretofore, mankind had presumed that all procreation resided in the “loins of the father.” They had looked upon the mother as being merely a provision for nurturing the unborn and nursing the newborn.

It was farthest from Eve’s intention ever to do anything which would militate against Adam’s plans or jeopardize their planetary trust. Knowing the tendency of woman to look upon immediate results rather than to plan farsightedly for more remote effects, the Melchizedeks, before departing, had especially enjoined Eve as to the peculiar dangers besetting their isolated position on the planet and had in particular warned her never to stray from the side of her mate, that is, to attempt no personal or secret methods of furthering their mutual undertakings. Eve had most scrupulously carried out these instructions for more than one hundred years, and it did not occur to her that any danger would attach to the increasingly private and confidential visits she was enjoying with a certain Nodite leader named Serapatatia. The whole affair developed so gradually and naturally that she was taken unawares."

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