Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975


"You have this secret desire to become an unblocked channel of spirit. Do you have any idea what it entails to become totally unblocked? This is the purest, most sincere way of living in your world without any hidden agendas. Become more aware of the slightest negative thoughts welling up in your mind. Develop an awareness of your behavior, speech, and actions.

To get straight to the point; it is in becoming selfless to be living in total conscious awareness, and to be able to consistenly discern the hidden needs of others. This was attained by Jesus, who attained total freedom in his spirit while he was still a man, and he became aware of his divinity while still in the flesh.

It is in the training in self-discipline that we need to overcome all tendencies of self-centered indulgence, impatience, jealousy, unreasoned fear, unrighteous anger, resentment, and unforgiveness--which are poisonous to our spirtual lives. These all act as spirit blockers, preventing you from attaining closeness with God.

Self-discipline will bring a state of living in love, joy, compassion,and patience towards those who wish you harm. "Even when my prison camp guards tortured me; I tried to only remember that they were my brothers in the flesh. I prayed to see them as God sees them, even shedding tears for them."

This is the road to perfection, requiring the severest of self-discipline, and at the same time it will bring the greatest freedom from all pretense.

God sees as no man can see, and therefore knows your innermost heart and desires. My advice is to live closer to him, so that he can lead you step by tiny step forward in the march towards God."

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