Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
In my last blog I said that I have only' one thing' to say on this topic. Well, I found that my words were not as deep and close to the heart of God as I would like so I pass on to you the words of Hyung Jin Nim about the emergency workshop in Korea at this time. I felt the clarity of the moment in this post. This is where I will be focusing my prayers now. This is a battle time and the time of Heaven's dominion is fast approaching. I am grateful for the adjustment to my mind from reading these words.
"Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim are now directly leading the workshop where more than 1,000 members are taking part of. They start the day doing physical exercise at 3:00 a.m., meditation, and hoon dok hae. They have prayer meetings 8 times a day, and receive Divine Principle lectures with an emphasis of the education of absolute sexual morality, lectures on the course of True Parents, the eight textbooks and teaching materials of God's words, and absolute sexual morality for family education.
Rev. Hwang's message at the opening ceremony on 11. 10 H.C. (Dec. 15, 2010): 2010 is a meaningful year for True Parents and Korea. This year is the 100th year after Korea lost her sovereignty to Japan, and the 60th year after the end of the Korean War. Father proclaimed the Era after Heaven at Yeosu. Father wants Hyung Jin Nim to successfully conclude the first year of the heavenly calendar through this workshop. True Father is now offering Jeong Seong at the Hoover Dam, which is providentially connected to Yeosu. It is the time for Father, at the Hoover Dam, and Hyung Jin Nim (who is leading the workshop), in Yeosu, to have heavenly fortune settled on earth."
Hyung Jin Nim's message:
"Korea has not been able to receive True Parents yet, even though 60 years after WWII have passed. When we pray, we must pray things such as: " Heavenly Father, please use us for Your will and nation." We offer Jeong Seong here and True Parents offer it at the Hoover Dam. From today we have exactly 800 days to go until D-Day, which is Foundation Day. This nation must accept True Parents. According to the principle, God's purpose of creation is not to create the peace of humankind, but to create a true object partner with which God can have a give and take action in love. In other words, God's first priority is to find True Parents. From True Parents, the true family, true tribe, true race, true nation and true world can appear. We must be clear on that. The whole point of the principle is the True Parents.
True peace is not something horizontal but vertical, which can be established first through the relationship of God and substantial True Parents. True peace comes from this vertical relationship. God's purpose of creation is to create a true object, which is True Parents. One can find eternal love and peace in them. This is the essence of the principle, and we Unificationists must be clear about this."
During the workshop this time, we must think of Jesus. The Israelis were the chosen people, but they did not accept Jesus, and 40 years after his death they were destroyed by the Romans, which was God's decision. Korea has not accepted True Parents yet. Exactly one hour after Father's proclamation assembly in Las Vegas, North Korea attacked Yeon Pyeong Do this time. Since the Korean people have not accepted True Parents yet, Satan invaded Korea within one hour. Korea, which is God's homeland, has a responsibility, which is to attend to True Parents as the King of Kings.
This workshop is special and we have only one purpose. It is to attend to True Parents. Though Korea herself is not attending True Parents, when a small group here establishes a condition of attending to them, God will decide the future with that condition. Through Jeong Seong, we must support God and True Parents. Threoug Jeong Seong, we must have the right heart and attitude towards True Parents. During the workshop we offer Cheon Bok Ceremony every morning. Do not forget True Parenst are God incarnate, and we must see them not with our physical eyes but spiritual eyes. In the evening, we have a service for healing via the Holy Spirit. We will see the amazing work of the spirit world. This workshop was suddenly organized but we must adjust ourselves so that we can echo with God in order to go with the heavenly fortune.
thank you for this post,Susan,
the message is very clear!
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