Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Jim Rigney,

There you go again---calling people "rotten". You can't help yourself, can you? The mouth reflects the heart. If a heart is filled with love---then love flows from the mouth. Discipline is one thing---and parents sometimes need to use a stern manner---speaking truth like it is. However, a man of God needs to understand the difference between using truth to correct, heal, and love----and the "truth" that is destructive to the spirit.  A True Parent would never think to call his son---"rotten". "Rotten", is a demeaning term---designed to instill low self-esteem and fear in another. It is not a representation of God's nature at all. It is not designed to correct, heal, or love.

But, as usual, you never answer the questions that are uncomfortable to you. You conveniently sidestep them, and launch into tirades of abuse. The question I asked you, and you did not answer, was: how should an ideal family act? Would there be wife beating, drug abuse, violence, suicide, spending fundraising team money, intimidation, vengence, and anger-----in an ideal family? So, Jim----I'm asking?

Where is our example of an ideal family that we should follow?

Do you have your own mind? If so, answer this question from yourself----not from some speech you heard.


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