Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Jim Rigney,

Thank you for putting out these early speeches of Rev. Moon. He was a much different person back in those days. He was really connected with some aspects of the heart of Jesus---especially during the times of his early public mission and leading up to the crucifiction. Those were sorrowful days for the Son of Man during his earth sojurn, especially for a man with only a heart of love for his children. Since God is a God of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness---it naturally was the strong desire of Jesus for people to listen to him and follow him. To have the Jewish nation torture him and kill him---after all those years of preparation must have been heartbreaking.


However, the Risen Jesus, was a Jesus that lived beyond the veil of eath life. When Jesus made his appearances after the Resurrection, he was a victorious, glorious, Son of God.

This summer, after my stroke wiped out parts of my right brain; during my walks (with my dogs) out in the Alaskan nature----I began to see a vision of Jesus. It started as a figure off to the left side of my vision field. I discovered that I can connect with His presence whenever I think of Him. Only now, I see Him sitting on a throne. The expression I feel from him is absolute majesty and absolute power. He is filled with Fatherly love but He is also absolute in his stature--he doesn't play games with me; there are no uneccessay emotional expressions. I know that I will only receive the unadulterated truth from Him.

But, at the same time, He listens to my pleas and arguments---and I felt that I have already faced His judgment, gave Him my side of the story---received his decision, and my sentence---and moved on with my life----forever a follower. It is only because He is a God of unconditional love and forgiveness---that I am relatively free. There are always consequences for our wrong decisions----we cannot become co-creators any other way. Until we reach the point where we have totally consecrated our lives to Him without reservation---we still can fall away.

I have been broken down, and reborn---but I am still a young person in the ways of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Although I have not reached the point where I can fuse with His spirit; my life thereby becoming His will----Still---He lives through me; and His love flows out through me into the world.
Am I a disciple or can I call myself an Apostle---I'm not sure. But, I am a reborn, spirit-filled follower of Jesus Christ. 

This is my personal testimony, and that's all I can say. I leave it for others to validate for themselves.

He lives! He is real! He saves! His spirit is present within us. Knock, and the door will be opened.

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