“Today we would like to recite a prayer, for it is important that we take time
out to communicate at the highest level with the Creator and feed our souls.
Prayer is a way for us to elevate our spiritual awareness, and to strengthen
our relationship with our Indwelling Spirit, who connects us directly with the
Universal Father on Paradise.
“Let us clear our minds now and ask that our Indwelling Spirit and our Guardian
Angels participate with us to make that direct connection with the Creator.
Please take a moment and ask for their participation.
“Now, please read these words from the heart and not the mind, for sincerity
and authentic desire to reach up and make the connection is the power that
amplifies the communication in both directions.
“Let us pray: Father, I come to you this day with great joy in my heart, for
I want nothing more than to enjoy this connection, this moment, this time alone
with You -- to feed my soul, to come back to center, and to present myself as
your humble child who wants to feel the shower of your unconditional love.
“Fill me with Your light Father, and see me as I am, imperfect, yet wanting to
be more than I am, more like you, Father. All my life experiences I share with
You. See through my eyes, hear through my ears, speak through my lips, and walk
with me through my days in this world, Father. Let your love and your spirit be
with me, in me, and through me, and help me to distribute your love and light
into this world.
“I desire your divine embrace and wait patiently to receive it. Every in-breath
I take, I breathe in your love, and every exhale I make, I send it back. This
is the unbroken intimate connection I have with You, and as I breathe, I will
always be reminded of this Circle of Love -- the Parent and the child.
“As I breathe and meditate on You, Father, I am aware of your presence, and I
feel every cell in my body is in harmony with you through this constant
connection we share. I shall now go silent and listen for your gentle voice to
teach and guide me. I love you. AMEN.
“Sit in peace and silence for a moment and receive from the Creator.
“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

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