Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
It didn't start with the pharisees or other "divine" monarchies---it has gone on since time immemorial. The pharoahs, the Japanese Emprorer, the French Monarchy, and many Kings have all claimed "Divine Right" over the ages.
People are afraid because they are taken advantage of. There was the Jim Jones movement, where members drank the poison kool-aid and 900 died. Then, there was the Charles Manson incident; and the Japanese subway bomber incident---more died. Then, there was the Hitler ordeal, where millions were mesmerized and perfectly good people died. Then, there was 9-11, where 3000 died. And on and on. The common thread in all of these groups was their religious or politico-religious beliefs in "some" belief system.
On a milder level, there was the Jim and Tammy Baker show, and all the other religous frauds that bilked the common peoples out of millions of dollars. Not to forget the pyramid schemes, where financial trustees lifted billions of dollars from people that trusted them.
The scenario just keeps playing itself out, down through the ages. All that is needed, are willing participants that will give up their own God-given gift of personal responsibility for truth---and will it over to someone that they consider "divine". And funny thing is, these divine leaders always demand allegiance and your money so they can live rich lives while you struggle and give up your life, your family, your education. How many times have I slept on the floor in a sleeping bag, ate fast food in the van---while serving those that lived in palaces because----God wanted them to? And then, when a member of the sacred family burns through hundreds of dollars of cash, living an abusive life. But, the illusion is complete---there is a reason for it that we mere mortals cannot understand, a dispensational purpose that is hight above us. I think it was the reading of Hyo Jin's wife's book (In the Shadow of the Moons), which detailed life inside the actual daily goings on of the family that woke me up. Oh, of course, the church calls the book lies and deceit. But, really----don't you think that God would try to block a person from reading? If your faith were strong enough---as it should be---wouldn't you be able to see clearly where there is truth and where there are lies? Only those people that are too afraid to search out truth would not examine this book. Did Han Sook make the whole thing up? Not a chance. There are too many witnesses that really know the truth.
When you look at the life of Jesus---there are accusations---but never was there an accusation about his character. He lived and walked with his followers----showing us how much God loves us through his son. That's why Jesus said that he did not come as an earthly ruler, a king----but as a humble servant of others. This is the dividing point which can show you the way to truth. If a man comes after his own recognition and honor----watch out. If a man comes to find the lost sheep---he is your shepherd.
And all the fancy words in the world and all the crowns, big banners, and giant celebration extravagansas can never make up for the small, beating heart of unconditional love and forgiveness.
I know something about controversial groups , because I was a "Moonie" for 13 years---and my family considered me brainwashed and wanted to "get me out" of the movement. But I was one of the elect, the chosen followers of the Lord come back to earth. My biggest goal was to get matched by Father and to attend him and to serve the true family. I did all that, even though the edges became frayed at times. When that happened, I thought that it was because of my "fallen nature". I was to blame.
When I was intricately immersed in the church, I saw the universe and the world through Divine Principle eyes and Father's speeches. And when, things didn't add up, I always believed it was because I was not pure enough.
Well, 40 years after I first joined the UC, I came to understand God and truth in a different light. People, such as Jim Rigney, who are still fully immersed----believe that I am evil or twisted. Jim is still under the "spell" from which I eventually emerged. Everything he hears or sees---he weighs against his belief system. He has completely lost his ability to appreciate the vast diversity that God has created.
He is afraid. It is FEAR of punishment that drives him on, closes his mind, and warps his perceptions.
But, because Jim is so religiously insane---he does not have the ability to do anything else, except quote from speeches. It's a good thing that Jim has latched on to a philosophy of higher values---because, who know what may have happened to him had he chosen a different road--say---a satanic cult that practises sacrifices. Is there hope for Jim in this life and in the life to come? I don't know.
But I do know that God is a loving Father and He will never stop searching after this lost sheep, no matter how far he goes into the brambles. I pray for Jim. I hope that he will learn to forgive himself and to lighten up on himself. I hope that Jim will remember that although God rules the universe through organization, order, and universal laws----He loves each one of His created beings with a Fatherly love. God is the only True Parent. If the Moons were the True Parents of mankind----and you were a totally devoted loyal disciple-----would not they seek you out personally, invite you into their lives---and serve you as one of their children? Would they be like Jesus, when you tried to worship them---say----"why do you call me good---only God is good, it's not me you should worship----you should only worship God". That's what Jesus did. He never asked people to worship him or his kids. He only sought to serve them.
It is my prayer, that someday, Jim will emerge from his delusion, and come back to earth, and to Christ.
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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