Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
Man was created to come to exist on the Physical Plane---on this whirling ball of dirt out on the edges of the 7th Superuniverse in the Milky Way Galaxy. God always has a purpose in what He does. So, we are here on Earth for school; for training; for preparation for Morontia Life, then; who knows where.
We eventually become spirits and have one single goal----to reach the shores of Paradise; there to stand in the presence of the Universal Father. A great gift was bestowed upon the citizens of Earth. Michael of Nebadon; the Creator Son of Nebadon---chose to come to Earth for His 7th Bestowal before assuming Sovereignty of this local universe. He chose us because of the results of the Lucifer Rebellion and the default of Adam and Eve in their mission. It seems like a fairy-tale but---isn't the fact of life itself a fairy-tale? (Just consider the complexity of the human body and the eco-system).
The searchers on this site are bound together because of their connection to a man from Korea.
You study the speeches of Rev. Moon. If you look at his early speeches back in 1956; you will see that he fervently prayed to Jesus. Rev. Moon recognized the immaculate character of the simple carpenter of Nazareth. And folks------no matter what fancy words you hear-----------ALL HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH IS ABOUT THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHARACTER AND NOTHING ELSE! Some humans will succeed; some will fail; and some will have mixed results. The human beings that attain mastery over their characters; usually through much suffering; challenges; extreme effort; soul destruction and reconstruction;and learn to maintain a positive, joyful, fearless attitude------will go on to attain the higher status of advanced achievment----attaining the 7 Psychic Circles of human spiritual character development.
A few will become Self-Realized Masters. These are people that follow the Will of God and His Pattern of Creation for the Universe. They become the embodiment of many of the attributes of Heavenly Father--------especially His Total, Absolute Unconditional Love and Forgiveness Policy. Jesus, Yogananda, and Omma are three people that I know about and recognized as Self-Realized Masters.
You might ask why I did not include Rev. Moon in the list. After all, I was a disciple of his for 13 years.
I believe that a person needs to always be totally honest with themselves. We feel the way we feel. There are those that would tell us that feeling the way we feel and thinking the way we think----could be Satanic!!!!! But I think that those people that put that stuff on others----they might be a Redneck!!!! (That's a joke! Lighten Up---please-----God put you on Earth for JOY and HAPPINESS)
In my book, Self-Realized Masters don't obsess over Satan, Evil, and Sin, and glorifying Suffering. And then, there's the part about casting oneself and immediate family as above the fallen people, who are bound by Satan unless they get out on the street and fund raise. Yea......that kind of diqualifies someone from being a Self-Realized Master. Or, maybe I'm seeing this wrong. Maybe, Rev. Moon is the first Self-Realized Master to gets to be served, instead of serving others. He should go and have lunch with the Pope----I hear the Pope has a nice wardrobe and some cool digs.
You see, Jesus did not end up being poor and working in the midst of the simple people-----He came to do just that. That is a point that Father really understood. That's why he sent us all out as missionaries. It is through living in poor countries with simple people that we can really get to understand Jesus life. That's why I say that in the 1950's, Father was just a simple pastor in a economically depressed Korea. He had a relationship with Jesus. But somehow, when people started following him----he rose in fame and fortune----and life took him down the road the way he went.
Now, I'm not judging anyone. Just the facts Mamm. Just the facts. What, we can't ask questions about things we don't understand? That's what I'm talking about when I talk about FEAR. Fear, guilt, and judgment have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven.Jesus never used these tools. Jesus message was always about hope, and love----Loving God with all your heart----and loving your Brother as you love yourself. In the Shoes of the Servant, with the heart of the Father. That's what this message means.
We are all human beings. Humans make mistakes. It's only natural. We are born in different situations, from different genetic lines, with different talents, in different economic situations. Some of us grow up in dysfunctional family units. We all have to play the game the best we can with the hand that was dealt to us. When we realize that Lucifer, a high spiritual being---mutinied from his position; and;
Adam and Eve, our parent uplifters on the planet; made a crucial error in the genetic strain; which causes a more difficult path for Earth. But, as I said---as a result---We got a visit from the Creator Son[----Michael of Nebadon. Because Michael walked the walk of an Earth human, even to his tragic death and glorious Resurrection. We belong to a special club---if we choose----the Apostleship of Christ. When we turn our lives over to Christ; and allow Him to guide our every step---we undergo a transformation, the Baptism of the Spirit. We become Spirit-Led souls; temples of God's holy presence; reflections of His character and nature---each in our own unique manner.
The purpose of any Guru is to guide his pupil to Self-Realization. When that student reaches his goal, then he is free---Liberated from fear, guilt, jealousy, anger, and other negative emotions. We become free to think as independent physical spirits----connected to the divine love stream.
If Rev. Moon were truly a Self-Realized Master, then he would surely approve of his disciples using their inner vision and deep thinking---and come to understand the universe as it is seen from their own perspectives. You see, God manifests a unique part of His infiinite nature through each created being. No 2 beings will ever be completely the same. That's what makes the universe an interesting place to live, don't you think?
If it will comfort you at all; The Urantia Book says that no matter how tough the situation; Jesus fully believed that we live in a friendly universe. God will send legions of angels to protect us. All we have to do is to ask. When we live in the higher presences of God; it is only natural that we will want to purify our thoughts. The higher spirit wants to live in a sanctified human temple. It is in this spiritual reality, that we can contact Michael; sitting on His throne; a divine ruler; absolutely just; unconditionally loving and forgiving; a caring Father; a concerned parent; the Heavenly Teacher; the Director of the Rigorous Course Chracter Building. The further we go in the course; the more we dedicate our lives to this work; the deeper into the spiritual realm of consciousness we shall go. The rewards are beyond any earthly gift. But when one achieves his balance and find life success; he may find the other. It seems to me, the the goal is to be completely motivated by our spiritual mission----to place the material rewards as secondary. How ever, we do have to live in the world. If we can just remember that God created all matter and He owns everything. It's all His.
When we come to understand that God is in Control of the Universe---His own creation---and He lives in us through our Divine Inner Guide, a fragment of God Himself----we can relax. We are safe in God's arms. "He counts the very hairs on our heads", and "a sparrow cannot fall without Him knowing it"----should send a strong message that we are never alone---our Father is watching over us. Our job here is simply to develop our personal FAITH RELATIONSHIP with God. God sustains Himself through each one of us. Personal Guru's may help guide us along the path----but it is God's intention that we each have His Supreme Gift to us----the gift of FREE WILL----our ability to make decisions---choices for our lives. That's what makes it interesting for God, and us. How boring it would be if everyone were the same. Each person carries his own unique cross---heading toward his own resurrection. Will he arrive in glory or defeat? It's all about personal choice.
Listen to the Moody Blues sometime. They talk about that "man is free to explore his universe without fear. He can get there fast or He can take his time and get their slow---it's up to you". Don't try to judge the eternal character value of another person. They are all a part of God's Creation and you might see them at the same Banquet Table of the Lord.
Peace Out
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