Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

What would you do with Jesus words to Phillip?

Jim, You believe that Rev.Moon is the Messiah, the one that came to restore the original mission of Jesus---who was not able to complete his work because of unbelieving humans. Would'nt omniscient, eternal God already know what kind of people he was sending Jesus to in advance? If he knew that, why couldn't he wait until a more favorable religious environment emerged? 

There  is a huge difference between what Jesus said, according to the Biblical records about his mission and what Rev. Moon says. According to Jesus and other celestial records (and ultimately, doesn't all revelation have to come from spiritual sources through human beings in order to be qualified as revelation?)

The mistake that religionists commonly make is to assume that God is limited in His expression to communicate with his children. God does work through ordained universe organizational channels but He does not neccessarily limit Himself through any one work. This is where man's 5% responsibility comes in----it is up to man to examine, study, pray, meditate, discern, and sift through materials presented to him-----and to determine FOR HIMSELF where truth and universe reality is. Just because you happen to identify with a specific work such as Divine Principle or Father's speeches---does not mean that you should not consider other communications. I make it a point to read as much about different religions as possible and visit as many religions as possible. That is not to say that I don't come to my own conclusions about the nature of God and how He works in my life.

It is the ultimate in arrogance to discount any works except the one you happen to subscribe to. A religionist and a disciple of Heavenly Father needs to keep his mind and heart open---so that he can accurately discern truth---whenever and wherever it happens to appear. And a person that is totally honest with himself needs to be willing to follow truth wherever it leads him----even if it means that he has to discard some of his most cherished beliefs. That's the only way we can grow in spiritual maturity. That is not to say that at every moment that we don't need to completely surrender to the indwelling Spirit of Truth that lives within us. We do. Soul destruction and reconstruction is still the watchword of spiritual progress here on earth.


Examine these words which are revelations for what  they say, not from where they came from:

"It is of record that the divine Son of last appearance on your planet was a Paradise Creator Son who had completed six phases of his bestowal career; consequently, when he gave up the conscious grasp of the incarnated life on the Earth plane, he could, and did, truly say, “It is finished" — it was literally finished. His death on planet Earth completed his bestowal careerit was the last step in fulfilling the sacred oath of a Paradise Creator Son. And when this experience has been acquired, such Sons are supreme universe sovereigns; no longer do they rule as vicegerents of the Father but in their own right and name as “King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” With certain stated exceptions these sevenfold bestowal Sons are unqualifiedly supreme in the universes of their abode. Concerning his local universe, “all power in heaven and on earth” was relegated to this triumphant and enthroned Master Son.

   And then Jesus went over to Philip, who, standing up, heard this message from his Master: “Philip, you have asked me many foolish questions, but I have done my utmost to answer every one, and now would I answer the last of such questionings which have arisen in your most honest but unspiritual mind. All the time I have been coming around toward you, have you been saying to yourself, ‘What shall I ever do if the Master goes away and leaves us alone in the world?’ O, you of little faith! And yet you have almost as much as many of your brethren. You have been a good steward, Philip. You failed us only a few times, and one of those failures we utilized to manifest the Father’s glory. Your office of stewardship is about over. You must soon more fully do the work you were called to do — the preaching of this gospel of the kingdom. Philip, you have always wanted to be shown, and very soon shall you see great things. Far better that you should have seen all this by faith, but since you were sincere even in your material sightedness, you will live to see my words fulfilled. And then, when you are blessed with spiritual vision, go forth to your work, dedicating your life to the cause of leading mankind to search for God and to seek eternal realities with the eye of spiritual faith and not with the eyes of the material mind. Remember, Philip, you have a great mission on earth, for the world is filled with those who look at life just as you have tended to. You have a great work to do, and when it is finished in faith, you shall come to me in my kingdom, and I will take great pleasure in showing you that which eye has not seen, ear heard, nor the mortal mind conceived. In the meantime, become as a little child in the kingdom of the spirit and permit me, as the spirit of the new teacher, to lead you forward in the spiritual kingdom. And in this way will I be able to do much for you which I was not able to accomplish when I sojourned with you as a mortal of the realm. And always remember, Philip, he who has seen me has seen the Father.”

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