Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Gesa La Rocca
  • Female
  • United Kingdom
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Gesa La Rocca's Friends

  • Marianne Kunz Irwin
  • Elisabeth Heil
  • Robert Williamson

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At 4:27am on November 10, 2015, Marianne Kunz Irwin said…

November 9, 2015

Liebe Gesa, hier ist Marianne ~ I hope you will get this.

How are you, and the family? 

A sister who lives near New York told me about a friend who knows you from Venezuela. Here is what she wrote me:

" This week I met a former ambassador
to Gabon, Venezuela and Peru who is
from Cairo, Egypt.
She is a lovely woman and we had a
great time sharing. 
She then told me that she had met one
of our missionaries in Venezuela in the
late 1970's.  She was German and her
name was Gesa.
She speaks fondly of Gesa and would
like to know where she now is.
Do you know who this German missionary
is and where she now lives?
My new friend's name is Laila Raphael. "
I will await your answer a few days, and see if you can get this message. Otherwise I will try to reach you via your sister Christa.
All the best,
from California,
At 5:49am on April 29, 2010, Marianne Kunz Irwin said…
Liebe Gesa, ist ja wunderbar, hast einen herrlichen Familiensegen. Wir haben zwei Kinder, eines von jedem Typ. Beide sind schon unter der Haube ;-) Lilly's Mann (David Freeland) kommt aus England/Schweden. In 2008 haben beide mal fuer ein Jahr im Lancaster Gate gelebt. Jezt sind sie hier ganz in der Naehe von uns. Unser Robert ist mit einer Tochter von der Schuler Familie (aus Deutschl) gesegnet. Sie sind auch hier ganz in der Naehe.
Christa die ganz bei Dir in der Naehe wohnt, meinst Du da Deine Tochter, oder Deine Schwester (hiess sie nicht auch Christa?) Happy True Parent's Day tomorrow!
At 2:52pm on April 28, 2010, Elisabeth Heil said…
Happy True Parents Day!!!
Ja ich finde es auch sehr gut, dass es diese Seite gibt und wir uns untereinander austauschen können.
Liebe Gruesse
At 5:02am on April 26, 2010, Marianne Kunz Irwin said…
Hi Gesa, remember me still? We were in Kassel together just before we were leaving Germany in '75. I find it amazing to have such a site. How would it have been if we had one back then!!
Presently our family is living in California, near my husband's hometown. We have last been in Jamaica. . .
I see you are in England now. Well drop me a line. Take care, bis bald.
At 9:27pm on April 18, 2010, Robert Williamson said…
welcome Gesa
good to see you again.
please continue to invite other missionaries!


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