Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Marianne Kunz Irwin
  • Female
  • San Leandro, CA
  • United States
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Marianne Kunz Irwin's Friends

  • Ingrid Lindemann
  • Eleonore de Watteville
  • Mechthild Kölbener
  • P. Barbara van Praag Sigaar
  • Katherine Cromwell
  • Friederike Schubert Buczyk
  • M.C. Gudrun Hassinen (*Zander)
  • Annerose Adams
  • Kevin Winter
  • Hanna Lotterie
  • Gesa La Rocca
  • Jeff Tallakson
  • Barbara Joosten Stupple
  • Charles Kamins
  • Doris Wealer-Stobbe

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Marianne Kunz Irwin's Blog

Werner Elias

Dear Kathy, dear Robert ~

Our heart goes out to Werner's family, Lorette and his sons and daughters. 

Werner was with a team in Regensburg, early 1974, when I first met him. I had just joined the movement and Regensburg was my first assignment. He was a wise, considerate and harmony-seeking "older brother"!

Is there anything more we can know about his missionary life in Africa? Are there any recent pictures? And is there a way we can send a personal message to his family…


Posted on September 16, 2014 at 9:50pm

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At 9:53pm on February 7, 2015, Robert Williamson said…

Kathy Rigney is trying to get clarification from international HQ.

The question being is the award for all missionaries sent out in 1975 and who are still active in the Church or just for those like Rudolf Faerber who is still in Zambia as a missionary for 40 years

At 10:27am on July 2, 2013, Robert Williamson said…

Happy Birthday Marianne,from all of us

At 7:41pm on July 2, 2012, Robert Williamson said…

Happy Birthday Marianne

from all of us

At 10:28am on July 2, 2011, Robert Williamson said…

Happy Birthday Marianne,

from all of us

At 11:51pm on July 17, 2010, Robert Williamson said…
Hello Marianne ,
will put your name on the list!
At 6:47pm on May 25, 2010, Mechthild Kölbener said…
Hallo Marianne, yes we are living in Appenzell, in the middle of many small hills and high mountains. It's my husbands hometown. At the momentI am under working pressure, but hopefully one day I will have more time for keeping in touch with all the firends. But I am thinking very often about all of you. But thanks a lot for keeping in touch. Lots of love and many greetings, mechthild
At 5:40pm on May 9, 2010, GLORIA FROTHINGHAM said…
Dear Marianne,
I knew you were missionary to Nicaragua but when I meet you in the BAFC.
I was in Costa Rica from May 1 1975 to April 1979. I was then called Ny
for 40 days Intenational Workshop with Rev. David Hose. After getting to
know my husband's situation I asked Rev. Kwak if I could stay in America
and start my family because my 30th birhday was in June . Marshall took medicine to breathe and in America he could work and have insurance that
helped us to see a specialist which helped us to have a baby after trying for
5 years.
the US. Gisela the German missionary to CR is in Columbus Ohio . I will try to
contact her about this blog.
I am greatful to have communications with my old brother and sister foreign missionaries. Father wanted us to plant some seeds in our country and maybe
we feel we didn't do as much as we should of we went made Holy Grounds.
Father said on our return to America in a 15 hour talk to foreign missionaries
that if we had not fallen in our stay in our country we were victorious.
Former President Rodrigo Carazo was my contacts brother and True Parents
just gave him a Seung Hwa Ceremony so I am sure that is a great blessing for
him and his country.

Thanks Robert for creating this communication possibility.


Gloria Frothingham-Goldstein
At 2:42pm on May 7, 2010, Unhae Suh Wiesner said…
Thank you for appreciating our work with SGs. We basically only work with local BC, we have tried to invite SG from other near by islands but it was not so easy, as you said, money is a big problem and parents support is very little. Anyway, we did have two sisters from Puerto Rico come ones. The highest mountain in the Caribic is the Pico Duarte located in the DR with an altitude of 3,100 m
At 2:59pm on April 28, 2010, Elisabeth Heil said…
Hello Marianne, sonst trafen wir uns immer in CPL. Es ist schoen von Dir zu hoeren.

Happy True Parents Day!!!
At 6:50am on April 26, 2010, Gesa La Rocca said…
Liebe Marianne
es ist schoen nach so langer Zeit einander wiederzutreffen .
ich lebe seit 97 in England in Milton Keynes, 1 stunde von London.
Mein aeltester Sohn Kyung-il (25) wurde letztes Jahr am 14. Oktober in Korea gesegnet.
er lebt in Wien.
Sarang (23) ist gematched undstudiert in London Sprachen.
Crista (22) studiert auch in London Sprachen und
Christopher(20) lebt mit mir. er arbeitet sehr hart.
Christa und ihre Familie leben 5 Minuten von hier.
Wir machen vieles zusammen.
Happy True Parent's Day!


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