Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
The question that we have to always ask ourselves is: Is my behavior a representation of the love of God? Have you ever heard Rev. Moon or Jesus speak in demeaning lanquage to sincere disciples?
Jesus did lash out at the Pharacees and the Scribes---but only because they had hatred in their hearts. They actively sought to destroy Jesus. 2000 years ago, in Israel, "blasphemy" was punishable by death.
The jewish clergy accused Jesus of blasphemy because they were in fear of his liberating words---about the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of men. Even the Romans did not find fault with Jesus and Pilate even washed his hands.
In today's world, in America, men are free to discuss spiritual subjects, without fear of being punished.
But, by your words, my fiery friend----if I had lived in the time of Jesus---I would be targeted for death.
You represent the same mind-set as those religious leaders of old. You have taken upon yourself the responsibility to determine who is a Godly person and who is an evil person-----something that even Rev. Moon does not do. How many people have you heard Rev. Moon call out by name and condemn---as you love to do----simply for speaking the truth as he sees it? During my 40 year contact with Rev.Moon, I have only heard him attack people such as Stalin or Mao----people that really harmed others.
And yet, you call yourself a harbinger of the new world of unity and love? Jim, do you really think that your attitude is going to bring about a world of peace? Do you really think that God's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is going to look like the inside of your heart? When Jesus was there, hanging on the cross, he said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing". Is that your heart for those you consider as having gone astray---a Prodigal Son?
Are you seeking to destroy that which you fear, or, is your heart filled with the emotion of "finding the lost sheep?"
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will only be built upon the foundation of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS----not through hatred, violence, or character assasination of those that may disagree with you.
We all must continuously look within our own hearts. Is it the love of God that is living there? Or is it the self-destroying feelings of fear, jealously, hatred, and condemnation? Are we trying to help others to walk in the high pathways of moral and righteous God-conscious living? Or, are we inspiriing dogmatic, self-righteous, ego-centric, negativity?
Jim, if you want to be a leader of men-----you can't do it by tearing them down but only by building them up. You have to understand that when you sham others, disrespect them, accuse them of being evil----no matter which religion you believe in---------you are not living God's way but are living the way Centered on Self.
I hope you wake up from your dream, so that God may return to embrace you with His tender love and nurturing. I know that you believe that you are a righteous warrior for truth. But, a true warrior for God is also a master of Divine Love. A true warrior for God is a Shepherd of Parental Love. Jesus said, "resist not evil". What he meant by this is that it is not our job to destroy evil people. Our job is to love them, so that they will return to the light.
If we are too busy condemning others individual characters, without regard for their own sense of living life according to the Will of God as they perceive it----we are actually stopping the spiritual growth of our own spiritual progress. When we practise this way, we become more and more separated from God's heart, and, without knowing it----"our hearts get hardened". Don't let this happen to you Jim. Please, for your own sake----get down off of your high horse, and fall to your knees. Find that humble place within you where that silent, divine, fragment of God dwells---and ever leads you to the place of self-forgiveness and the forgiveness of others.
We each have our own responsibility. In the end, I am responsible for the things I say and do and you are responsible for the things you say and do. We are creating our own futures.
I am far from perfect; an yes; I have hurt others an have certainly misguided them. But I do know that my motivation is to help. When I speak my truth----it is based upon what I perceive to be the restated Gospel of Jesus Christ----the Fatherhood of God an the Brotherhood of Man. I hope that our conversation can return to the level of two brothers discussing the nature of Heaven.
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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