Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Eventually, we all have to live with ourselves

I don't know what happened to Jim Rigney in his life----why he became the way he is. Ultimately, each one of us has to face the music and to make an accounting before the throne of our Heavenly Father, and His Son. Jesus hand-picked 12 men and 12 women disciples---each representing the different personality traits of God's pattern of creation. Not much is spoken about the women in the only surviving account-the works that were fashioned into the Bible, over 300 years after Jesus resurrection.

But there is much that is known about the 12 men. Some were steadfast (Andrew); some were doubters (Thomas); some were outspoken (Peter); and one was disloyal due to selfishness (Judas). Jesus extended the same love and the same care to each of his chosen disciples. Even when it was apparent that Judas was going to betray the Master into the enemies hands--Jesus held out hope for him. But it was not to be. Judas had gone too far. He allowed the pride of his lower mind to lead him to the point of no return. But Judas knew in his heart that his thoughts and his actions were not the way of the Fatherhood of God. And, that's why he took his own life after the betrayal. Judas had given up something of great value----even the Son of God.

There have only been two people posting on this site now for months. If others are watching and reading, I do not know.

But, if you are there---let's ask the question; which disciple would each brother reflect? Would one be more like James, Peter, Andrew, Thomas, Luke, John------or Judas? Would Jim Spencer be more like Judas because he questions Rev. Moon? Or, would Jim Rigney be more like Judas because he calls Jim Spencer Satan? Which brother is more sincere in his beliefs? Which brother walks the walk? Which brother has fulfilled the tribal Messiah level---if there is one? Which brother speaks with hatred; carries the resentment and the anger? Which brother is the accuser ("which one of you accuses me of sin?") Which brother is the narrow-minded bigot? Which brother is not motivated by a Father's love toward a Prodigal Son? Which brother never talks about Heavenly Father's love for his children and for other brothers an sisters? Which brother signs in the name of "textbooks and teaching materials?", rather than in the Father's name? Which brother never speaks of personal repentance, unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness? Which person never speaks of courtesy and respect for others?


These questions cannot be adequately answered except through experiential wisdom. But, these blogs are a good testimony into understanding how the inertia of the pride of an arrogant ego can blind and bind an otherwise dedicated person. The phariscees may have been dedicated followers of the Torah----but because they were slaves to the dogmatic word of their religious laws---and they fed off of the energy of their perceived superiority and position in the universe---they ended up losing it all.  These are the people for whom Jesus said, "not everyone who says, Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of Heaven". And, "didn't we prophecy in your name an do many mighty works?" "I will say, depart from me for I never knew you". 

Each of us must one day stand before the judgment throne of the Creator Son, and give account of our lives. Because a divine spirit lives deep within you----in your inner man----YOU ALREADY KNOW---the truth of your attitude and your actions. Regardless of whether I believe that Rev. Moon is the 2nd Coming of Christ or is a false prophet--------if my life is a life that is lived following the mandate of God to love Him and to love others as I love myself---a life of gentle service to all----I have no need for FEAR.

If you feel unsettled within yourself---take heed! If you feel your own disunity---take heed! When you get right in your heart---the Spirit of Truth will unerringly guide you into all truth. Concentrate on your own relationship with God, taking the mote out of your eye first. Then, as you grow in the spirit---you can become a qualified guide for others.





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