Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Don't you know that it is WE that build our own prisons for our own minds? If a spiritual leader builds a "mind prison" --- based on fear, guilt, unworthiness, born sinful because of something someone did thousands of years ago, and tries to intimidate you into getting into that  prison---you do it of your own accord. Almighty God does not put people's spirit's and mind's in such prisons. Jesus taught about the "liberty of becoming faith sons of the living God" He came to set the spiritual captives free---not to enslave them. Jesus did not come to judge man, but to free him. He came to release man from his needless fear so that man could live in a friendly universe as God's children of love---the family of man.

Sure, because the world hates the light, anyone following Christ, or Rev. Moon, ---will face a severe test. But this test is to build the eternal character of man----not to send him to hell or destroy him. 


Oh my goodness brother! How did you go so far astray? What events in your upbringing led you to be so afraid of things you don't understand? If you were the leader of a spiritual movement---what would happen to your followers? Would they develop a Fatherly heart of unconditional love for others? Would they come to understand that the universe is built on love---the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man?

Or would you instill FEAR in them; teach them to see evil everywhere; be suspicious; be intolerant; be judgmental; be critical---even hateful? If there was a "Satan" that was watching every person in the world; their every thought---for an opportunity to lead them astray---would he have more luck with a person that hates or a person that loves others? Do you believe that Satan is omniscent---involves himself in 7 billion peoples lives all the time---and really gives a hoot about each one of us? "Satan" is the catch-all for our own human character weaknesses, most of the time. What needs to change is US. Our hearts need to grow. We need to learn compasion for others. We need to learn to care for each other---not beat each other over the head with books of dogma. God is living. He is dynamic. He can't be contained in any book.

The purpose of books are to lead us to growth through changes in our behavior patterns. Always remember to start with "ME", rather than to try to jam our perception of truth down someone elses throat. If you do that; people will resent you and see you to be ignorant.  

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