Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
My Friend Jim,
God was able to create the Cosmos---and uphold it forever. Could we agree on this? Billions of galaxies each containing billions of stars---and who knows how many planetary systems circle those stars---and God upholds the very gravity to those systems. He can do all that----and yet----cannot control itsy, bitsy, puny little man? Those poor little--gas breathing sex creatures---rebelled against God and broke His heart---and the great God of creation cannot do anything about it? A universe that is billions and billions of light-years across---is perfectly upheld and maintained by the Universal Father----and He cannot control tiny little human beings on some dinky planet out on the edges of The Milky Way---which is only one galaxy containing billions of stars?
Jim---the height of self-deception is to think that YOU could even begin to scratch the surface of knowing God's truth is preposterous! Human beings are the only beings on planet Earth that are able to have self-reflection---to think about who we are.Animals don't think about themselves, they don't worship, and they don't think about tomorrow.
Humans, as God's children, have the ability to co-create themselves---to develop their soul-bodies--which is the eternal vehicle which will carry them into the next level of the spiritual world, after physical death. When we talk about the "Ego"---this is a self-created structure which allows us to understand who we are, and for survival and growth. The problem man has---is that this self-created Ego can become very unrealistic sometimes---we think we are something that we are not. For example; you obviously think that you are a great spiritual teacher, a carrier of the highest truth. You think so highly of yourself that you have taken upon yourself to determine---who is evil, who is good, who is a liar, who is even like Hitler or Stalin. Why do you do this? In my humble opinion---(because I don't really know your deep heart) You do this because you don't know yet that God is Love, He is our True Father, We are His children, making us all Brothers and Sisters. You say, Jesus did not do much about love but, wasn't it Jesus who said, "you will know them by their love for one another?"
Now, I have to ask you---when you put me in with the likes of Hitler and Satan---are you trying to save me or to destroy me? That answer to that question will determine if you are God-Centered or self-centered. When you get to the spiritual world, you get to explain to Him, why you don't think that He is in control of all; and you get to explain to Jesus (Christ Michael) why you think He failed.
That's not a position that I would care to be in.
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