Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975



How do you determine what "truth" is? How do you know what is coming from God versus what might be coming from your own mind? God is invisible and when we talk about "truth"; aren't we talking about concepts? How do you personally know that Father is the Lord of the 2nd Advent? Did God come down and speak to you directly? Did you see angels or have a very strong dream? The point I am trying to make is that each person has his own body, mind, spirit, and soul and therefore----it is each person's responsibility to find God. You can't live another person's life and it's hard to understand the depths a another person's mind.

It is through FAITH that we search for God and truth. Each person must find the truth for themselves. We may feel as though we have "the truth" but while we can share our discoveries with others---we can't force it on others. God created the universe and everything in it. His Plan of Creation was that physical man would be born as helpless infants; grow through the experience of living; choose the pathways of goodness so that they would develop their souls---which is the eternal vehicle that lives on after the human body returns to the earth as dust. God doesn't make mistakes and He already knows the end of the story. Men tend to look at things in reference to their finite earth lives but God lives beyond time and space. He is eternal, and all-knowing. He knows each one of us, and probably knows what we will do next.

When Jesus said; "doubt not but you must be born again"; he was saying that if man was willing to turn his life (ego) over to Him; God would infuse new life into that person, causing rebirth. Father has  the wine ceremony; which symbolically changes the  blood lineage. Father says that his followers must subjugate their bodies and lives to Father and their missions. So, what I am gathering that what you are saying is that it is evil to be reborn through Jesus and try to lead a life as he would instead of saying words of obedience to the True Parents?

One thing I know that will ever be true for me is that I must at all times be totally sincere and honest with my own feelings. That's why God gave me my own mind, heart, and soul---and the ability to speak directly with Him anytime I want. You can't think for me; or define truth for me; or define what  is evil and what is not----simply because you may think that you have the answers. Look around the world. The evil people are those people that try to take dominion over others and erroneously take the responsibility on themselves to judge who's heart is evil and who is God centered.

Father never does this. In fact, when he was being tortured in prison---he tried to love and forgive his persecuters. So do you think that Father approves of you calling other people evil? Did he teach you that?

He didn't teach me that; and I sat before him for many years. He blessed me in the wine ceremony and patted me on the chest. He greated me as the first UC member of Alaska and sent me to Laos as one of the first 12 American missionaries to go out in 1975. So, He must have had some faith in me. But you have determined that I am now evil. Huh. I don't get it. Father was persecuted by the Christians just as Jesus was persecuted  by the Jews. Now, you want to persecute me; call me names; and say I am evil. Who is really humble and who is really arrogant? The greatest sin that Lucifer committed was Pride in himself. Pride goes before a fall. Pride means that we have an unrealistic self-concept of our own knowledge and importance. While we can speak our own version of truth----we should do it in an informative way that builds up the other person; that teaches them through love. We should not dismiss them, tell them they are evil, and false Unificationists----that is the hurtful way------it is not the way of Heaven, it will not bring unity, and it will also harden your own heart and close your own mind to the rays of God's love.

He who wants friends must be friendly. Again---God created the universe for joy. We live in God's universe and He is forever in control. No harm can befall them that love the Lord. So, please, get off the FEAR Based Satan thing. It's depressing.






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