Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

So the God that created the universe----all the levels of the spiritual world; all of the billions of constellations and galaxies; all of the star systems; all of the life inhabited physical worlds such as the Earth garden planet----with a perfect trajectory around the sun, perfect balance which allows an atmosphere and seasons and beautiful landscapes; and all the different animals, plants, fish----etc-------and yet-------------He can't control some rogue angel that disobeyed Him?  Are you really that insane Jim?

Do you really think so little of God and so much about your own intelligence? Jim, when I blogged the "Malignant Narcissism" chart a while back----it showed that one of the factors in malignant narcissism is the "UNSUBMITTED WILL".  That probably didn't mean anything to you----but it is a very important concept for finite, oxygen-breathing, created humanoids such as you and me. 

The Bible says, "do not rely upon our own understanding, but upon God". When I see someone just spewing out somebody else's word's without having experienced their own truth-----that is where the "unsubmitted will" comes into play. Anybody can come up with a story about Satan and evil----like it's some kind of a magical thing. But, if you really read some of Father's stuff, you will see that he defines evil as "doing and thinking things based on yourself". If you look around the world, you will see millions of people constantly putting out their "words of truth". Go to any synagogue, church, school, TV station, talkshow, Mosque, etc----and if you were God and looked down on them----you would see an endless chatter going on about "truth".

Now, everybody can't be right. But, if you were God and you were looking down on all of these assembleges; without fail---all of them would be touting what they consider to be the truth.

Now Jim----let's take a different approach, just for a moment. Sit back, take a deep breath---get into the meditative/prayerful position---close your eyes-----and forget what YOU think. Try to connect with Heavenly Father. Ask HIM what is the way? Tell Him that you are a created, finite, limited being, and you need Him to show YOU the way. Tell Him that you have an Ego problem----that YOU think you know it all and that you realize that you actually know very little about anything. (I know this technique because I also know nothing about anything--when it's all said and done) It is when you approach God with that kind of attitude that you can really start learning with your heart instead of your head. That's why Jesus said to repent and be reborn. We have to give up the reasoning of our head and embrace the reasoning of unconditional love and forgiveness.

If there is a "Satan" that has any power----he can only live in the head. He would burn up in the Divine love of the heart of a God-Centered person. If you practise this often, you will cease to spew out other people's supposed wisdom and you will really start to be able to objectively evaluate knowledge to make sure it passes the test of true love.

If I made the statement that, "Satan is an oriental person and he wears pink leotards", would you expect anyone to believe it just because you happen to believe the author? I don't know about you, but until I see a red dude with a tail in pink leotards----I'm not buying it-----and you shouldn't either.

If that's the case, why would Rev. Moon need you at all. Why not just get a stuffed animal with a tape recorder in it and record his speeches. Then, he could just put them out in public places and play them.

My friend, because you have become brainwashed, you mould reality so that it fits your imagined world view. You gave up your own Free Will gift and now you let someone else do the thinking for you.

I understand this because I love to fish for Silver Salmon. I just love it when I use my favorite spinner and hook into a big, silvery Alaskan Salmon.











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