Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
When the Bible said that "God is no respector of persons"----funny as it sounds, that included Jesus of Nazareth. (otherwise, how could the ruler of the Universe allow Jesus to die on a cross?) What was meant by this expression? What God is trying to teach us is that He created the universe for Joy. The highest Joy is produced through having give-and-take with other beings. Joy is produced when you give out the energy of your love and it is reflected back. The whole purpose of God creating the physical universe is so that human beings can learn to become objects of the highest joy of God. God is constantly pouring out His love throughout the universe and He takes delight in objects that reflect that love energy back to Him. A true Self-Realized Master is a person that has mastered the School of Divine Love. Such a Master will automatically reflect God's nature----which is to be a servant to all--"with the heart of a Father, in the shoes of a servant". A human being CANNOT simply attain Master of Love status through birthright, self-proclamation, writing books or reading them 100 times. Sometimes a person comes along upon the foundation of some history where the celestial administrators have potentially ordained an uplifting mission to occur. When Divine Principle says that when a person is given a mission and fails, the mission is taken away from them------it shows that there is a human responsibility involved---especially for a person that has a major providential mission. The whole concept of "sacred families", simply by virtue of lineage----is false; especially when you realize that the concept of "original sin" is erroneous. The concept of original sin destroys the primacy of the Universal Father-----something that is absolutely impossible. (an infinite, eternal, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent Creator would never create something that would would fail it's purpose or He would lose control of to a created being) How stupid do you think God is?
Would you create a car that would suddenly speed up to 100 mph on its own? You would create the car to go fast, and stay steady on the road---but you would have a gas pedal and some brakes so you could maintain safety. The idea that God would create beings that could destroy His creation, and hook up with another created being, thus creating a lineage apart from God is a slap in the face to our loving Father. That's why Jesus said that we are "faith sons of God". "We are saved by faith". "We are reborn in Christ". He didn't mince his words. He didn't lie. He never said that He couldn't finish his mission---ever. He never talked about getting married or establishing a sinless family---ever.
This statement from the Urantia Book testifies as to what can happen to people with spiritual gifts that were given the mission to update the gospel of Christ for modern man---when the ego was not surpressed.
"In a religious genius, strong spiritual faith so many times leads directly to disastrous fanaticism, to exaggeration of the religious ego, but it was not so with Jesus. He was not unfavorably affected in his practical life by his extraordinary faith and spirit attainment because this spiritual exaltation was a wholly unconscious and spontaneous soul expression of his personal experience with God.
Jesus set the standard. While he said that He had the power to forgive sins, healed the sick, even created wine and food----He ALWAYS pointed to His Father---always made a point to say, "why do you call me good? The only one that is good is MY Father". He said, "what did you go out to see, a king clothed in soft rainments? Those clothed in soft rainments live in kings houses." And, "my kingdom is not of this world". "The KINGDOM IS WITHIN YOU". Jesus got baptised by John and washed the disciples feet---demonstrating the Father's heart. He lived and ate with his disciples. The only crown he ever wore was a crown of thorns.
There have been other spiritual leaders who achieved the undertanding to obtain a Masters Degree in Love. Listen to this:
"To receive Christ is not accomplished through church membership, nor by outer ritual of acknowledging Jesus as ones savior but never knowing him in meditation or prayer." "Saint John and other advanced disciples of Jesus who truly "received him" felt him as the Christ Consciousness present in every speck of space. A true Christian--a Christ-one---is he who frees his soul from the consciousness of the body (ego) and unites it with the Christ Intelligence pervading all creation."
"The divine power of Christ realization is an internal experience; it may be received through unalloyed devotion for God and for His pure reflection as Christ. The power of the church and temple will vanish. Real spirituality shall come from the temples of great souls who are day and night in the ecstasy of God. Remember, Christ seeks the temples of true souls. He loves the quiet shrine of devotion in your heart where you abide with Him, there in the sanctuary aglow with the vigil light of your love. Those who pray and meditate devoutly will receive Christ on the altar of calmness in their own consciousness." Paramahansa Yogananda
God individually lives within each person. Each person born on earth has a unique journey with the same goal----to arrive at the shores of Paradise---to stand in the presence of the Universal Father, to see Him and to bathe in the power of his infinite love.
To get there, we must learn to see the divine spirit in even our enemies. The more we are able to do this, the closer we are getting to the purpose and plan of God----which is the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
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