Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
I hate to hog the blog site here, and I'm wondering where all the other 1975 missionaries went? But, since the site appears to be empty, hey, why not have fun and post? My ongoing discussion with Jim Rigney is interesting, at least to me. All this "satan" talk flying around. Did you ever watch the "Church Lady" on Saturday night live? "That's special!" Well, this whole conversation is about as ridiculous as those skits were. It's easy to label other people but, how much do we really know about other people before we do that? Myself---I came from a dysfunctional, poor family in Alaska. My mother abandoned me when I was a year old and my father left me with many different people while he was away working. He eventually married an alcoholic lady who, along with her Russian-Aleut Grandmother--were very sadistic. I survived, got through school, but was a seriously emotionally damaged person. I joined the Navy Seabees, and went off to Vietnam for a year---Quang Tri. I came back to Alaska after my military duty, went to college, and worked as a janitor, hamburger flipper, and mailman. I got married. Three years later, I met a missionary that Father had sent to Alaska, heard the DP and joined the Church--becoming the first member of Alaska. Father came to Anchorage to speak; and when he left; I left too with Rev. Vencenz team to Washington abandoning my first marriage with a totally broken heart. After Madison Square Garden, I joined a fundraising team until I was chosen to pioneer Laos. I got kicked out of Laos by the Pathet Lao, swam the Mekong River and moved to Thailand for 3 years. Father then called me to go to London to do Home Church. I stayed there a year. Father had a matching in London in 1978, and I received a French bride to which I am still married to. I left London for New York, and more fundraising; and was assigned to Saudi Arabia. I stayed there for 61/2 years. Two of my sons were born in Saudi Arabia---Sunji and Tarik. I worked for Raytheon Corp there, Al Sittar Electric--a Saudi Company, and Al Galleria Health Club. I had to leave Saudi Arabia due to a Saudi Prince looking for me to jail me.
In 1986, my family moved back to Alaska, where I had a third child, a girl-Sarah, finished my degree in Business Administration, and went to work in the oil industry. I worked for 3 companies. I started playing racquetball in 1979 and played competitively for 28 years. In 1995, I started my first retail store, a GNC store. Later on, I started 5 more GNC's, a shoe store-The Athletes Foot, 2 delis, and a video game store-for a total of 10 stores--grossing over $3 million dollars per year. All the while, during this time, I continued to work on my spiritual life---strengthening my relationship with God. I endured through many physical ailments, and other battles of the mind and heart. It's a wonder I am still alive. God broke me down and showed me the ugly side of my personality; and He showed me that He had all the power---not me. He had to do that so that I could become His object. As long as my self-concept was in the way (ego) God couldn't use me or trust me. I had to come to my knees in repentance and go through the rebirth process of allowing Him to rule my life.
God never left me, even in my darkest hours. No matter how low I fell, how much pain I went through--all due to my own 5% responsibility, errors of judgment and poor decisions---I somehow, by God's grace---rose again into the light. Now that I look back on my personal course---I have only gratitude for the God that has always guided me no matter what. In order for me to understand rebirth of the spirit---God had to take me apart and put me back together again.
Last June, I had a stroke, which was like dropping an IPhone in a bucket of water. The part of my brain where negative judgement and criticism resided, almost vanished. I found that I can be in a constant state of prayer and meditation all day. Last summer, I walked and walked out in the Alaskan fields with my two trusty Cockapoos, overcoming my fears, and renewing my life with Him. My heart began to overflow with love and tears of joy; and; I started seeing Jesus and great-big guardian angels. I became a different person. Problems that I could not overcome before diminished---and I learned to just turn it all over to Him, every moment. I found that "peace that passes all understanding". It stopped becoming all about me and started becoming all about Him.
I believe that I have once again, consecrated my life to God, and I am forever grateful. My priority in life is to serve others; to help and to love. Even though my left side is numb, I have received a great gift----and my beautiful wife has also been able to overcome some of her problems. God knew what He was doing when he matched her with me----but it took me so long to be able to understand what a wonderful person Anyas of God----is. She comes from Vienne, a village in France that has Roman ruins that were abandoned in 100AD. She has some great lineage!
Anyas and I have both dedicated our lives to being Lightworkers. Soon, we are leaving Alaska headed to Oregon, where we will create a Wellness Center---a place of peace, love, and hope.
This is my testimony to the great love of God and I am proud to be one of His many children.
I hope now, my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ will take hope and joy in the life everlasting; the great adventure that we are on. When our spirits are high, and when we give ourselves to our True Father----no evil can ever have any power over us. That's what I meant when I talked about evil.
When we walk in the light and truth of God, only goodness, mercy, and the protection of God will surround us.
You can't believe how large those angels are. They have wings that are as wide as a gymnasium!
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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