Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
If you believe this passage from DP, it means that human beings are punished for doing things that their ancestors committed. It means that the God of love, mercy, and grace---allows his children to suffer for sins they did not commit. It negates Jesus own words that "the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins". Since when did it become justice for someone to be punished for another man's crime?
If the DP statement below is the truth; then it means that YOU and I are being subjected to spiritual influence---spirits descending upon us to have us work out their indemnity so they can be liberated.
Are you looking over your shoulder---wondering if some evil spirit is causing you to be tormented with thoughts and deeds that you would not ordinarily think about or do?
If people on earth believe this---then people in the Spirit World who have passed on, that believed this---must be seeking to influence YOU so that they can fulfill the DP revelation.
In my ministry---I often visit many different churches, and religions. I am sensitive to the different spiritual atmospheres of those places. I have been in Ashrams, Churches, Cathedrals, Mormon temples, Buddist temples, and meditation sites. In each place, I perceive different spiritual atmospheres. For example, I have been to Roy Master's place a couple of times. Roy proclaims himself a teacher of meditation. When I went there, I felt a great pressure on me, and I got a headache. After I listened to Roy, I came to the conclusion that Roy is a supreme egotist, and he is patently insane. He's also got this thing going about Satan too.
And one of the interesting things about leaders of movements (and celibate priests) is---they use their power and the justification of their role as an excuse to have sex with the ladies. Some even say it is "providential" or, they are "purifiying the race". That's a good one. For exactly these reasons---it is the will of God that each human being determine for himself his own relationship with Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father sent a fragment of himself, a divine spirit---to live within each human mind.
This is why Jesus said that it is by an individual's faith that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There is only one God and one Son that sits at the right hand of God. Jesus never said that another being was going to come to replace him. He said that HE would return. Jesus can live in everyone through the Spirit of Truth.
Yes, the world has many people living in it that are separated from Gods love. But there are also millions of devout loving people that live lives of consecration---lives of goodness.
It might be a newsflash to Moonies---but there are many families that live at a higher spiritual standard than many Moonie families, including the first family.
You talk of sinless families. What is a sinless family? Think about it as you think about your own life.
Since you follow the church----is your own life sinless? Is your own mind free from lustful and sinful thoughts? Are you able to fulfill God's mandate to love God with all your heart and love others as you love yourself? Do you do that 24/7? Does your heart overflow with love, which streams from you into all you meet?
This is about YOU and GOD alone. HE is all we need. Because we are Sons and Daughters of God, we have His Free Will Gift. When we give our whole life over to His watchcare----we can DEMAND that any spirit that is not of God leave us immediately! They may not want to go---but God has the final power and the final sayso. Because He loves and respects his children, He will honor every request.
For some, this can help us to emerge from our dream...................
Passage from DP
"There are several classes of spirits who abide outside Paradise; each has a way to achieve returning resurrection. First, let us examine the returning resurrection of spirits who believed in religions other than Christianity during their lifetime. Just as any two people must first form a common base with each other before they can work toward a common goal, earthly people and spirits can work to achieve a common providential goal only when they first form a common base. Therefore, a spirit who returns to the earth for his resurrection seeks a counterpart among the earthly people of the religion in which he believed during his earthly life. A spirit descends to the person of his choice and guides him. When he helps that person fulfill the purpose of the providence of restoration, they both receive the same benefit.
Second, let us examine the returning resurrection of spirits who lived a conscientious life even though they did not believe in a religion. No one among fallen humanity embodies perfect goodness because no one has resolved the original sin within himself. Hence, a good spirit is one who has relatively more goodness in him than an evil spirit. These good spirits descend to good people on earth and cooperate with them in order to help them fulfill the purpose of God's providence of restoration. In the process, the spirits receive the same benefits as the people they have helped.
Third, let us examine the returning resurrection of evil spirits. In the Bible we read about the "cursed," who are liable to "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."29(Matt. 25:41)CEV|KJ|NI"His angels" here refers to evil spirits who live and work under the control of the Devil. The spiritual creatures commonly known as ghosts, whose features and identity are often unclear, are none other than evil spirits. Even evil spirits are able to receive the merit of the age by returning to the earth. However, the works of evil spirits do not always bear fruit and result in their receiving the benefit of returning resurrection. To receive such benefit, their works must have the effect of punishing earthly people to help them make conditions to indemnify their failures, which have frustrated God's past efforts to cleanse them of their sins. How, then, can the works of evil spirits result in casting judgment on behalf of Heaven?
Let us take an example. Suppose there is a person living on earth who, based on the merit of the age, is about to graduate from his current sphere of benefit to a higher sphere of benefit. He cannot graduate to the new sphere of benefit unless he first makes some condition of indemnity to remove the sins of the past. In the case of graduating from the family sphere to the clan sphere, a person must pay the debt of sin both for himself and for the ancestors of his clan. Heaven allows evil spirits to torment him as punishment for this sin. If he willingly endures the suffering given by the evil spirits and overcomes it, he will have successfully paid the indemnity through this condition and thus be entitled to enter the higher sphere of benefit at the clan level. The evil spirits who have tormented him receive a corresponding benefit. This is the way that, based on the merit of the age, the providence of restoration expands its sphere of benefit from the family level to the clan level, the national level, and the world level. Whenever humanity is to graduate to a higher level, the person leading the providence must make a condition of indemnity to resolve the sins which he or his forefathers have committed.
The works of evil spirits may help an earthly person fulfill indemnity conditions to purge his sin in two different ways. First, the spirit may trouble the earthly person directly. Second, the evil spirit may descend to the spirit self of another person living on earth who is about to commit a sin comparable to the sin of the person to be punished, and work through the second person to attack him. In either case, if the earthly person gratefully and willingly suffers the work of the evil spirit, he will make the indemnity condition to purge his and his ancestors' sin. This sin will then be resolved, and he will enter the higher sphere of benefit which has become available in the new era. Thus, the works of the evil spirit will have cast judgment on the person for his sin on behalf of Heaven. Consequently, the spirit will receive the same benefit as the earthly person; he, too, will enter the higher sphere of benefit."
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