Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Poof! There a goes the indemnity argument

Jesus said that HE had the power to forgive sins, based on a person's faith. There are CONSEQUENCES to sin. If you injure yourself or another person with your own willful errors----there must be restoration. For example, if you deprive someone of their physical life---that cannot be restored---and a debt is created. Even though God forgives you---something must be done to restore the taking of another man's physical life. Another example would be a family situation. If parents inflict trauma and abuse on one of their children, they will embed their sin in the childs mind. The results of that trauma will play out during the child's life--most likely in the child becoming an abuser themself.

Whole nations can play out the same scenarios through national violence and misdeeds---creating problems down the road for future generations.

But, let's be clear---God does not punish a baby for the sins of his forefathers. These are concsequences to sin which become imbedded in the psyche. God is not a scorekeeper or a punisher---He is a loving Father. While children may be born in difficult circumstances and have to carry the baggage of their dysfunctional lineages----God sees each being as his perfect creation. The reason why Jesus said that we must be reborn----soul destruction and recreation----is not a because of  a blood lineage to Satan---it is because of the implanting of dysfunctional tendencies from family life.

Mankind never belonged to Satan. God has always been our Creator and our Father. Since Pentecost, no evil spirit is allowed to dominate the mind of normal men and women without their consent.

Jesus is alive. He is still the Christ that sits at the right hand of God. And He can still forgive sins.

He said, "I stand at the doorway to your heart. If you open it and request that I come in---I will".

Try it folks---for 40 days. When you discover Jesus Christ------you will begin the process of a renewing of your life. A peace that passes all understanding will fill your heart. You do not have to attend any church----because Christ lives in your heart and He is always present, wherever you are.

You don't have to read any books of scripture to find the living God because you can speak directly to Him anytime anywhere. However, if you want to learn about a current celestial revelation that describes the Life of Jesus of Nazareth on Earth----try reading the second part of the Urantia Book.

Since God and the Spirit World are alive and are all around us---when we need more truth----it becomes available. The Urantia Book is clear---don't worship it. Don't worship any book or any human being. Worship God alone---and you will never go wrong.

Peace Brothers












"When the Pharisees from Jerusalem, together with other scribes and lawyers who sat with them, heard this pronouncement by Jesus, they began to say to themselves: “How dare this man thus speak? Does he not understand that such words are blasphemy? Who can forgive sin but God?” Jesus, perceiving in his spirit that they thus reasoned within their own minds and among themselves, spoke to them, saying: “Why do you so reason in your hearts? Who are you that you sit in judgment over me? What is the difference whether I say to this paralytic, your sins are forgiven, or arise, take up your bed, and walk? But that you who witness all this may finally know that the Son of Man has authority and power on earth to forgive sins, I will say to this afflicted man, Arise, take up your bed, and go to your own house.” And when Jesus had thus spoken, the paralytic arose, and as they made way for him, he walked out before them all. And those who saw these things were amazed. Peter dismissed the assemblage, while many prayed and glorified God, confessing that they had never before seen such strange happenings."



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