For God's sake----lighten up boy. Why don't you take an Epson Salt bath; burn a holy candle; difuse some essential oils; put on some music; try some meditation; have some ice cream; go see a movie; get to the gym and work out; have a glass of wine; get a good nights sleep..............The world will still be just about the same, after you do those things. Life has gone on---on earth for thousands of years. Surely, it can wait for you to have some fun----some rest and reversion.
Face it, you can't save the world all by yourself. Heck, can you even save yourself? Do you want to go into heaven with the way you are? Heaven is a place of light, beauty, joy, and love. You are taking this thing way too seriously, my friend. It's beginning to border on a Negative Obsession.
God likes to laugh alot. And, that's what we need to do in the mirror sometimes. Otherwise, you may blow a gasket.
Which one of these people do you think I am and which one do you think you are----just for laughs?
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