Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975


Have you had a checkup lately? Your wild mood swings might indicate that you are depressed. Do you eat a balanced diet of whole foods---lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, healthy nut oils, and whole grains? Do you know that there is a molecule in your brain (seratonin) that controls your moods--and these are usually supplied through the fruits and vegetables we eat. If you eat a lot of saturated fats, sugar, high fructose corn sugar, and salt---there might be some physical problems that cause you to vasillate from congeniality to absolute disrepect and even hatred.

And, will you get off the "satan" trip? When was the last time you actually "saw" satan? When one focusess on satan and evil all the time----it can't help but take you away from the light of the love of God---that beautiful, pure, holy, white light of the Savior. Negativity attracts negativity. Concentrate on keeping your mind centered on The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Be aware of evil but do not allow yourself to get caught up in it. If you can't tell the difference between a man of high moral fiber that leads a life consecrated to Heavenly Father and an evil person----you are in trouble----and the trouble is coming from your own mind. You may try to project it on other's but you cannot feel the deep soul peace that comes from living in the presence of the Creator. My God is a Father of love. What kind of Father is the Father you are trying to emulate? What say you ----brother?

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