You are Satanic. You are a liar and a deceiver. You are headed for hell. You should never be allowed on this site because you are the devil. Oh, by the way.................God Bless you and have a nice Day! Isn't it pretty out today? (this is where you are supposed to laugh)
The pits of hell are being reserved for you. You will burn in hell, you and your imaginery Satanic buddies. Oh yeah, I forgot----God is love, in his holy name, and don't forget the texbooks, teaching materials, and all the pamphlets and brochures too.(don't forget to look at the trip to Hawaii brochure)
You are the worse person I have ever met. You and Satan are blood brothers. You are such an evil being but even so-------Bless you and your family. God loves you. I don't, but I think he does. He would love you more, but I'm afraid that he lost control on earth and the devil grabbed everything. I'd pray for you but you are just such a horrible person. (this is where we look in the mirror and laugh)
You are a wicked, evil, twisted person---just like Satan. But, I hope you enjoy your day! Enjoy the sunshine.
God's not here on earth anymore. He left---but he left a whole stack of textbooks which contains all truth. If you read them, as I have, you will become a tribal messiah (even though you don't have any spiritual children yet)---perfect in all ways. Will somebody get me my crown of thorns please?
I'm all about love and service--except for you. You are totally lost and uneducatable. (and I should know, because God made me the judge of all truth). (this is where we realize that we are grains of sand on the beaches of time)
So, my completely wicked satanic friend----you are headed for hell but------I wish you a very blessed day.(this is where we realize that God has the greatest sense of humor)
In the name of all the textbooks and teaching materials in the whole universe, on all the billions of planets on all the billions of galaxies on all physical and spiritual levels. (If you run out, God has a big stack of them) Just ask, and He will drop some down to us.

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