Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
There is a difference between self-discipline and self-punishment. In the Tao philosophy--self-discipline means the freedom to----a joyful pursuit of a natural path. Within our "punishment-conditioned" mind--our self falls back to the narrow pursuit of an unatainable "should do" or "should be". That we so often turn back to our burden is a mental habit that we cannot lay down----cannot give up.
When Jesus talked about the fact that man must be born again----He was referring to the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. And what he meant, when he said that "if you acknowledge me, I will acknowledge you to my Father in Heaven". As long as a person stubbornly and obstinately insists on clinging to his own beliefs----even to the point that they are no longer able to see reality from a higher perspective---they cannot grow spiritually. They remain stuck in fear, guilt, blame---which are all control issues.
These people must always have a scapegoat----someone to criticism, blame, and call evil and satanic.
This is the only way they can make themselves feel okay, even when deep down inside of their subconscious minds---they instinctively know that something is wrong. We all have different degrees of the same malady of the spirit, which is often fed by religious leaders. Just turn on the TV and surf through the different programs. The worst, is Islam----which goes so far as to teach Jihad---the killing of the infidel.
In UC, we talk about uniting the world. But, how are we planning to do that? Are we going to keep jamming speeches down peoples throats, and maybe, someday, they will come around? That won't work.
The only way that we can unite the world is through loving and serving our fellow human brothers and sisters. It is only by "washing the feet", "walking the second mile", and "feeding the sheep" that unity can come about. That's why, when someone comes and says for you to serve them because they are so great----you should question. The "Principle" is the principle of God's nature-----and God is the one that left the 99 sheep to find the lost one. He is the Father of the Prodigal Son who welcomes him back after he fell. He is the one that is no respecter of persons, making the sun to shine on the good and the evil people. He is also the one that allows the weeds to grow up with the grain until the harvest time.
When you talk about "Father's speeches and books as being the Plan of Salvation for Earth"---they can only be true if they teach the principles of God's loving heart, and His supreme sovereignty over all Creation. Words only have value if they have the power to change a person's heart and mind; only if they teach a person to place his entire life (mind, body, and spirit)upon God's alter of love, mercy, and justice.
That's all. There is no other secret. There is no other plan. The entire plan is contained in loving God with your whole heart, and loving others as you love yourself. If you get those elements right---you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That's why Jesus told the thief that repented that, "he would be with me in the Kingdom someday". Jesus said, "I have the power to lay down my life and take it up again".
What more do you seek?
Ask yourself, is following the path you are on, bringing you into a harmonious place of peace that passes all understanding; a place of truth, beauty, and goodness; a place where your heart overflows with the desire to love, teach, and serve others?
That is the real standard.
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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