Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

The "Pair System"-----it's not a new revelation. All creation procreate in pairs. There are millions and millions of perfectly happy couples in the world, and happy families. Where did you get the idea that there aren't happy, united families? You think that Rev. Moon has the only happy family? How about all of the tragedies and dysfunction within his family? How about the divorces, the kids out of wedlock, the abuse?

Is that what the ideal is all about? I have a normal family. It has its ups and downs, like any created physical life does on earth. But, we all love each other---and we are happy----and God lives with us in our lives.

You make these statements, as if, they are new and unique. They are not. There is a disconnect between your lofty idealistic statements and the way you are. Maybe you should stop and think about your own life once in awhile----and question why it is that YOU are not happy. Stop projecting your own dysfunctional life onto everyone else. That is living in an unrealistic world.

You make these broad statements as if Rev. Moon was the first person to think of them. That is what idol worship is. That is what a personality cult is. Come on Jim----join the human race---full of all of its flaws, as well as its joys. There is much beauty and goodness in the world in people---which you are not seeing.


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