Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
Anyone can say anything. Sometimes, what people are saying seems wonderful, divine, and awesome. We tend to think, 'the person saying all those things must have a direct pipeline to God". This is because it touches some cord within our mind or heart. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Why? It is because embracing that religion, reading the Koran, and observing the rituals brings a sense of God to the followers. The same can be said of all other religions.
Sometimes teenagers wear the funniest clothes and the funniest hairdo's. Why? Because at some time, they get energy off of doing that. They think it's cool. And, they look upon the adults as being dull and out of touch. It's the same thing with politics. Each party sees the truth and the beauty in their ideology and all the wrong things in the other party. And, they can get quite emotional about their political arguments; even believing that if the other party gets in office, they will destroy the country. And, to make matters worse, (it sometimes happens).
The Germans were a perfectly normal, hardworking group of people. But, under the charismatic madman, Hitler---they were stirred up into starting a brutal world war which destroyed millions of lives.
How about Jehovah Witnessess, knocking on doors and handing out tracts? Ever try to talk to one? Impossible.
That's the way people are, down here on earth, seeing with our limited vision. So, how do we understand "The Truth?" How can we believe anything at all? This has been the question of the ages, and it will go on being debated.
Man learns through his mind (knowledge) coupled with life experience. People that rely on words alone and have not had the verifying life experience are one-sided, all bluster and no heart. People that have had much universal experience but no formatted knowledge have a tough time expressing their truth.
There is Universal Truth and Universal Law. But man living on a physical plane in the physical universe, in a physical body can only access a few levels of this truth. So, in a sense, we are embryonic beings just starting out on the eternal road to understanding. What is important during our earth lives---is that we learn the spiritual lessons of self-mastery and socialization---so that when we evolve to the next level of existance----we will be prepared to live in a higher spiritual awareness----the Mansion Worlds.
How many angels that can dance on the head of a pin will not serve us well. What will serve us is to learn how to love unconditionally, to forgive unconditionally, how to serve others, how to live honestly and without fear---trusting that we have a Father that loves us, sustains us, and upholds us.
This is the message that Jesus left with us----loving God, serving your fellow man, living with courage and personal honesty without fear. "Doing unto others what we would have them do to us".
This is what made Jesus and his gospel (not the Bible) of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man---the highest truth on Earth. "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". "The good shepherd".
"The Prodigal Son". The "leaving the 99 sheep to find the lost one"..................That's all. Forget all the elaborate schemes and rituals, adornments, crowns----that represent Self Glorification. That is not the way of the Heavenly Father--------------our Father. We need no mediator because He lives within each human heart.
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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