Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
Timothy, Timothy, Timothy,
Please don't drink the Kool-Aid. I'm not sure about you, but of all the people I have known---most of them encounter suffering during their lives. It is the way of Heaven. Now, just consider Earth and review your own life. Did you create yourself? Were you responsible for the family members and other adults that influenced your life during the very important formative years? Is God the Creator? Is He all- powerful or not? What would be the purpose for God allowing evil to rule for thousands of years on earth? Do you think that God has the power to do anything He wants to? Did He make a mistake when he created Lucifer, the angels, and man and woman? Is he Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent? If his concept of time infinite and eternal?
Since he created the creation, would He not know exactly what man would do if He gave man the powerful sex drives, free will, and created him to live on a rugged planet far out in space?
Further, is this God of ours truly our Universal Father and is He a God of unconditional, eternal love?
My conclusion---is that God knows exactly what He is doing because He knows the beginning from the end and, we are not the first or the only inhabited earth. Have you taken a look out in space lately, say, through the Hubble Telescope photos. Billions upon billions of galaxies holding billions upon billions of stars. What is the planet Earth, but a grain of sand on the beaches of time. Because our vision is so limited, it is easy to let our ego's cloud the view----but-----God is big----really big! If God can create a near infinite universe, surely He can steer little, puny mankind----into His mandate---"Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect"
Timothy, this Earth life is a test----it is only a test. God knew us before we were born. He had a blueprint for each of us. He chose to create us as a completely helpless and selfish baby---quite different from the animals, some of which can run a half hour after being born. God chose to put us on a spinning ball of stardust which is subject to volcanos, earthquakes, Tsunamis, forest fires, lightning, floods, etc.
Because we are the Sons and Daughters of God, and we have potential to become eternal spirits; God put us in this environment to build our hearts in a rugged setting. This is where the rubber meets the road.
This is where the human eternal character is forged out between the hammer of destiny and the anvil of faith.
The Spirit, which resides in us all----never speaks of itself. God Himself, seldom speaks to man. But to those that listen, they can hear His voice, and see His work, and feel his love-----in the things of creation.
Don't let your heart get hijacked through fear, guilt, and pity. Remember Jesus of Nazareth----the Son of Man-----"why do you call me good?". And, "no man may come to the Father, except through me for, I am in the Father and the Father is in me." "How can you say, show me the Father? If you see me, you see the Father".
It is true, evil is not God's intention---and when trusted spiritual beings and human's misuse their Free Will Gift---much pain can result. This planet could have been different----because God is a God of truth, beauty, and goodness. We are in a Cosmic drama; our life on Earth is but a fleeting moment in eternity.
And then, we are off on a new adventure to the shores of the Mansion Worlds, for more training. There will be many who will say; "here He is". And for many, He is him.
I can only review my own life. Following Father did not bring me less suffering. And, even though I have moved on to identify the Spirit in me, and God working in my life; it is the hidden patterns of pain and dysfunction that are the obstacles that cause suffering and lead me to empty myself in order to be filled with the love of God. And its working; albeit; slowly.
We have the greatest Minister of all----right inside our own souls. Look within. That is where you will find Him.
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