Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
There have been three main books that I have considered central to my spiritual journey----The Bible, The Divine Principle, and The Urantia Book.
In the Bible, Jesus reported to make statements that "The Son of Man" would return. He also told his followers that "The Spirit of Truth" would be poured out upon all flesh.The Bible also talks about "The Holy Spirit", and many Christians mean the Holy Spirit to be The Spirit of Truth. Some Christians believe that these spirits are, in fact, the 2nd Coming.
The Divine Principle says that the Lord has returned in the form of Rev. Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon.
I read the Bible for about 15 years; the DP for about 15 years, and have been reading the Urantia Book for 26 years.
The 2nd half of the Urantia Book, (the last 1000 pages) is about The Life and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Both fundamental Christians and devout Unificationists are probably suspicious of the Urantia Book, as they are of each other. DP followers think modern Christianity is "old testament" and Christians think that the UC is a cult.
However, if you go to, and search the Urantia Book, and ask it any question you can think of about God, Christ, the 2nd Coming, etc, etc,------you may find answers that make perfect sense to you.
It's time to go beyond the worshipping of human beings and worship God alone. Let each man stand on his own before the throne of God and make account of his own life. God is a God of perfection----Jesus, the carpenter from Nazareth, was found to live completely within the will of God----every moment of his life.
While he proclaimed his Divinity, his life was lived in humility and service. He washed his desciples feet. He did not have his desciples wash his feet, and his kids feet----and serve him sumtuous banquets. God did not get mad because Jesus was supposed to be treated like a king, so he is now making up for it in order to ease his resentment. There are many religious leaders that have done, and do, many great and sacrificial things to enlighten the world. Most of these people are unsung heros that do not receive any recognition at all.
It is wrong to employ dozens of fundraisers to facilitate a high material standard of living for self-proclaimed divine beings. In God's world, he that would truly be the servant of men would live at their level, not guilt others into believing that God wants them to give all they have in order to support another supposedly royal lineage. That tactic is done so much by religious leaders of all faiths. The time where men can claim superiority over others is gone. Now, the people that are to be the spiritual leaders will become known through their humble service to others-----not just flowery talk. Every man has the same birthright opportunities before God. God does not judge people externally or because of what they claim. He judges them by the quality of their hearts------how much they love and forgive unconditionally.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within each man. It is not in a church or a movement. The gift of the Spirit of Truth can be had by all, depending upon how much they allow the Divine Spirit to function within their lives. This does not happen when we try to claim a birthright. This happens when we surrender ourselves over to the leading of the Spirit in our lives. There is no need for any human being to stand between you and God. Because we were created as God's children, each person can have direct access to Him.
In Urantia, it says that some day; Jesus; also known as Michael of Nebadon; promised to return. But from reading the Book, it might be awhile----when the good citizens of Earth are more developed towards the goal of Light and Life. This could be hundreds of years or more in the future.
Meanwhile, respect Rev. Moon as a spiritual teacher. Respect his family according to their honest work in uplifting humankind. While, we should only worship God alone-------we can honestly evaluate the divine spirit in others and ourselves------and follow according to the Free Will Gift that God gave man---without fear, guilt, or shame. "Fear, is the great enslaver of mankind". God wants us to approach Him with love and joy--------------that's what makes Him happy. If God made us free-----who can take that away?
We should never allow ourselves to be imprisoned by another man's thoughts. And no Son or Daughter of God would ever do that to us. While the effects of the Lucifer Rebellion and the Default of Adam and Eve still may have their repercussions in our world-----rest assured that we are, and have always been the creations of our Creator God. We don't need to be ransomed back because we never belonged to anyone else. God would never allow that and on those 5 weeks up on Mount Hebron, the Creator Son of our local universe, masquerading as a humble carpenter teacher----forever defeated the fallen princes of this world.
Since Pentecost-----we have the gift of The Spirit of Truth.
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