Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Dear Jim,


I appreciate your comments to my blogs. I can see that you are a thoughtful person; one who does due diligance on the research end of things. I can also see that; although you have a strong belief in the teachings of Rev. Moon; you have kept open the door to sincere dialogue. As you probably know, I was a "Moonie" from 1973 until 1986. I was blessed to a french girl and we have been married for 33 years. We have 3 children. I was a missionary to Laos, Thailand, England, and Saudi Arabia. I was a fully immersed follower of Rev. Moon for a long time. After my period of separation from the church; and the healing process; I again reached out to the members; seeking to further understand Father and the Unification Church. We are all responsible to be totally honest with ourselves in all regards----especially in regards to our personal walk of faith with God. When Jesus bequeathed the Spirit of Truth, upon his departure---He said that the Spirit of Truth would enter the hearts and minds of believers and show them the way to all truth. That was part of the meaning of Pentecost. Jesus said that the truth would make us free. God intended for us to freely search Him out----without FEAR and without GUILT. The churches have often used fear and guilt in order to control their followers. The message is always that we are fallen, sinful beings---and unless we give up everything we believe and follow----we are doomed.

I would ask you. Since God is invisible----how did you come to believe what you believe? What would your answer be? Can we believe something just because someone says it? The obvious answer to me---is that it is through our personal experiences that we come to believe what we believe. The mistake that many make is that because they feel that  they experience God through their personal belief structure---they rationalize that the Messenger that carries the message must have come from God. And so, we all build our view of God and the Universe around our belief structure. Now, I can't know about the personal relationship that you have with God, through True Parents-----just as you can't know the personal relationship that I have through Jesus. Another mistake that we make is that when we see another person talking about God that does not have the same belief structure as we do (or follow the same spiritual leader)--we erroneously assume that----that person is off the track.

I can only present my own testimony about my spiritual journey. And, since I was a devout follow of Rev. Moon, I feel that I can relate to the members; and share my experiences.

It's not disrespectful to question truth, no matter where it comes from. I often, in periods of frustration and pain----question God's life plans for us mortals on earth---especially when they seem to be in conflict with what He said through Jesus. God does not want us to merely shut up and follow. He wants us to weigh the truth; to question; to inquire; to seek out things that don't add up. It is wrong for a spiritual leader to demand total allegiance.When Jesus walked the earth; He called himself the Son of Man and the Son of God. Was he wrong? If what he said was true-----how did he live his life? He said, "I came to serve, I did not come to be served".  These words are so important because it shows that God is not a dictator. He is a Father that gave his children free will. When people tried to worship Jesus, "He said, "why do you call me good----only my Father is good". That  is the heart of the Father. Unfortunatley, in the Unification Church; there has been too much idolizing of people, even sons that led very dysfunctional lives. It is always explained away----and if someone tries to talk about it----it is perceived as being negative and even satanic. If God, who is all powerful; allows even his evil children to run feely on the earth----how could a Messenger of God seek to castigate someone who sincerely questions truth?

That's where the FEAR and the GUILT comes in. 

In my life, after the church---I went through a very difficult process. I had many failures, many heartaches, and much pain. But through it all; my faith remained strong; and my heart continued to grow.

Although I have many scars; I feel as though I am in the presence of the Father every day. I have so much love to give; so much gratitude; so much joy; so much personal insight. I have no fear to say what I believe and I feel. Do you understand how liberating that can be? I know that God is in my life and He is leading me through his Son, the angels, and the spirit that lives within me.


I hope that we can be friends, and can discuss frequently. Your can E mail me directly at gncalaska@gci.net.


In Christ,


Jim spencer

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