Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975


You say that there are many Christians that don't act like Christians----just as there must be many Unification Church members that don't act like Unificationists-----don't you think?

So Jim, tell me-----what is it that makes a person a Christian? What is your definition of a Christian?

Is it what they believe? What kind of life they lead? How much they pray? How they conduct their lives in relation to others? Without going into your usual cryptic explanations----give to us what your concept of a "Christian" is?

To me, being a "Christian" means following the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Doesn't that sound logical to you? Jesus taught us how to be Christians by his own life example. He loved all, He served, He healed, He cared for, He sacrificed for, He led a life of high moral values, He was humble, He was honest, He was sincere.

It is easy to judge others simply by the words they speak, as these usually represent a person's deep heart. But without actually knowing the person---how he lives each day----it is hard for us, and often damaging---to make judgments about them. In truth, making judgments about others, can be harmful, if---we don't have a Father's caring heart for them.

I hope we ALL---and that means you and me-----can self-reflect much---before we jump to branding or labeling others with negative names, simply because we don't understand them or agree with them.

Sometimes, we feel that we must bring discrepancies to each others attention, in the interest of spiritual growth. But it is how we do it, that is important. With what kind of heart are we working with? Are our words and guidance uplifting, healing, teaching, serving, and loving? Or, are our words harming and tearing down the other person?

This, to me, is what being "Christian" means. 

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