Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
F. Scott Peck, a Christian doctor, wrote "The Road Less Traveled"; and another book called, "The People of the Lie". I originally read that book several years ago, but I had a hard time relating to it; perhaps because I was myself, steeped in "the lie". After my life became a complete mess both physically and spiritually---and----after personal destruction altered my course----I made a significant change. Somehow, I was given the power for soul rebirth. I guess I had to be completely stripped down and undergo the "severe test"; the "soul destruction and reconstruction" that was necessary for me to wake up from my dream and my addictions---my personality disorders. And, I was never as crazy as Jim Rigney is. Back in the day, when I was active in UC, I'm sure that I was just as closed to seeing anything except Father's words---which also seemed like magic to me. I witnessed DP and taught workshops. No one could even begin to convince me that DP and Father's words were not 100% true. I could hold my own against any perceived onslaught from people I considered to be "satanic", although, I didn't get as deep into it as Jim does.
Today, after knowing what actually has gone on and goes on within Rev. Moons family circle---it is so clear to me that I was blinded by the light. When one considers Father's words with Hyo Jins behavior; Un Jin's disassociation with the movement (his own daughter); Han Sooks accounts of the family goings on---and on and on----any serious, sincere, truth-seeker that is honest with himself---has to see the cracks in the cement. God never intended that his children should not question truth and follow it wherever it leads---without fear of judgment or punishment. Again, Jim---look within yourself---to your true core. And, before your deathly fear prevents you from looking up into God's ligth of love---look at this chart. Does it apply to you personally? Are you brave enough to accept where your character might reflect some of these points? For me, I can do this easily. Why? Because I, like you, have also been a very sick puppy. You can deny all you want--but---if you simply follow the prayer condition I posted---and pray to the Universal Father of all Creation------He-----will guide you----because He created you, you are His son, and He loves you unconditionally.
Eh, Jim? See anything there that might apply to you? And, please don't pretend that this blog never happened, as you like to do. And, you can cover it up with 100 speeches---but it won't go away; because you know---we all know----that each one of us has some of these character weaknesses within us. After all, we all came up from the stardust of earth---born as helpless, selfish babies---by God's design.
God created the angels, a little above us. He created us here in this physical kindergarden. Our job is to learn to change from self-centered animalistic---oxygen breathing sex creatures---into altruistic, God-centered, unconditionally loving----spirit sons of the Almightly God. We are all in the same boat down here. I'm no better than you and vice-versa. Because unless we have completely identified with iniquity, evil, and sin----each one of us has God's spirit living within us. Sometimes it's difficult to recognize it in others. Life on earth is valuable. Your job is to grow your own spirit through loving others----not condemning them. Don't continue to waste your earth- life time in pretending to be holy, and better than others. We can serve each person with the gifts that God has given each of us.
Jim, you are like a flower that is tightly closed. You need to open the petals of your heart, so that the light and love of God can flow through you. The world needs to discover the unique love that you have to give the world.
If you will only ask Him directly----He WILL answer you-----as He did me---when I finally surrendered to His love. When I say "His" love----I mean, God's love. True love can only come from God. And, when you receive it-----you absolutely know where it is coming from brother.
The prayer that helps me---is my daily prayer----that----"Thy Will Be Done"----not----"My will be done". As Paul says, "I must die to myself daily". For me, that means that I have to surrender my ego upon God's alter of love, each and every day----less I fall back into the pit. We were all created to have a unique and direct relationship with God Himself. When we pray---we talk to God Himself. There is a process according to universe pattern which directs our heartistic prayers through the right channels as needed. It is so liberating to know that we can go directly to our Creator with all of our concerns----because----He is ever listening for the sound of His children's voices.
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