Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

What is the Will of God in Essence?

"The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of a man's willingness to share the inner life with God—with the very God who has made such a creature life of inner meaning-value possible. Sharing is Godlike—divine. God shares all with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, while they, in turn, share all things with the divine Sons and spirit Daughters of the universes."


Jim---if you desire to advance in your quest of spiritual maturity and sonship, then you need to learn the difference between the truth that is, and the truth that comes from your own mind. You make all of these bold matter-of-fact statements such as---"the will of God is following True Parents". While that may be your reality----and you are entitled to believe it----you cannot presume to speak for anyone else's perception of what God's will is for them. This kind of thinking, taken to the extreme---is the reason why Islamists feel justified in blowing up buses full of school children---in the name of God. They fully believe that they are doing God's will.

God never coerces or forces his children to do anything because He gave them free-will so that they could become co-creators with Him. There is a difference between sharing your truth with others, (shining your light)-----and denying others their own experience with God. As you grow, you must certainly learn that our God has a large and diverse creation. Different people experience God and His will in unique and valid ways. There is absolute and universal truth-----but you and I are still very far away from being able to grasp very much of these concepts. I totally followed Father for 13 years. Nobody could ever tell me that he was not the successor of Jesus Christ. But now I know, for me------that no one can ever compare with Jesus of Nazareth (Michael of Nebadon)----and The Holy Spirit and His Spirit of Truth.


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