Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975


Have you ever considered a career other than religious philosophy?  Jesus was a carpenter. Maybe you could build things.

I'm not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that I support gay marriage from my blog but you need to work on your powers of discernment, my friend. If you would take the time to internally understand the proper context which which other people are coming from---you would understand more about the universal truth concerning homosexuality. God created the physical world according to the pattern of His nature. That's why He said that we were made "in His image". God created male and female throughout all the creation. The 4 Position Foundation includes God, Man Women, and Children. The Family---is the central unit of civilization. It is through the foundation of love in humans that procreation occurs----between one man and one women. A Father has a Father's energy and a Mother has a Mother's energy. And they are different and neccessary in order for children to grow spiritually.


When you make aggressive, judgmental statements, which cast shadows on the character of your brothers and sisters which are nothing more than projections out of your ignorant mind---do you not realize that you are causing harm to them? There is a difference in sharing and teaching others and violating their free will, which is a gift of Heavenly Father. How can any one of us assume that we have any more than a tiny bit of divine knowledge?


What we all need to learn Jim---you and me---is the true meaning of surrender to the divine spirit that lives within------------a humble heart. Until we learn this----we are still living in our egos and God's truth and love can not flow through us. Jim, this is the internal meaning of Baptism of the heart.

Someday, when you conquer your fear---you will get down on your knees and turn it all over to HIM.

Then---you can become a teacher and a guide for others. Until then, take a boatbuilding class.



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