Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

http://www.truthbook.comEveryone can all agree on what is the color red, can't they? How about blue? Each person may have a different understanding regarding the shades of colors but unless one is colorblind; everyone universally agrees with the color chart. Everyone knows what a tree is; and there would be no argument as to what constitutes a treee. Same for Giraffes, or Zebras; and on an on. In the physical world, the general human race on earth pretty much agree with what the things we see are.

When we start discussing the spiritual world however; that's where normal logic becomes suspended. When we enter the world of the mind and the heart; then the discussion changes from agreement into "who is right?" This is because we have now entered the world that is unseen and unfelt through normal senses. People go shopping for belief systems the same way they shop for bicycles. They may have grown up with a certain type of "bike", so they develop a familiarity to that kind. The more  adventurous types will shop around; and try new types, to see if there is a bike that will be faster or more comfortable. Sometimes someone will get really radical and choose a reclining bike that  has attracted their attention.

Years and years ago; many of us "Moonies" made the decision to join the UC. Since most of us are first generation members; we may have had no religion or came from a Christian sect. Some had "buyers remorse" and left the movement; some continued until today; and some just kind of put it all on the back burner while we got along with our lives. Some of us remained "believers", but the strains of living up to the requirements of time, dedication, devotion, and material obligations caused us to fit Father and the movement into a place where we could function in the present stages of our lives on earth----raising families, finishing school, and having a career.

Some of us might still feel trapped in purgatory or in a midway position. We don't want to leave but we somehow don't feel connected and really want to live our lives. We may even feel guilty sometimes.

I have been there before----and I have found liberation. I've always loved God and Jesus and His presence is burning ever clearer within the field of my spiritual vision. The path of people that love God is going to be rugged; because that is the way that He trains us. If you love God, and pray to live His Will; he will be guiding you----no matter what you choose to do in your life and with your life.

God is our Father----He is not the head of any church or religion. Although we all are sons and daughters of God----Michael; known as Jesus of Nazareth when He walked on the earth as the Son of Man----is in all respects----Father God to us. Jesus is different than any other man that has ever walked the earth. He chose earth for  his 8th bestowal incarnation after incarnating as every other type of intelligent order of beings in the universe of Nebadon---where we live.

It is claimed that The Divine Principle is the latest revelation from God and that it explains that The Lord of the 2nd Advent is now on earth---the True Parents of mankind. Could this actually be possible; considering the lives of some of the "True Children?" Are we supposed to suspend everything we know about logic, in order to "believe?" are we supposed to re-think the color "Red" now? Are we supposed to throw out everything we know about the virtues of noble human character such as self-forgetfulness; and "why do you call me good? There is only one that is good and that is God"---such statements that Jesus made and the way that Jesus lived---with his Apostles, forgiving; healing the sick; actually walking the humble way in the shoes of a servant with the heart of a Father.

The greater a man in God; the less he will talk about himself. His whole focus will be on God; not on himself.


A person that spends most of his time talking about himself and his accomplishments cannot be a "special" son of God. A person that lives in splendor and travels first class by a self-proclaimed divine mandate cannot be a "special" son of God. A unique teacher with a specific mission; yes; maybe.

But, how could it be possible for a man and a woman to give mankind a new lineage when some of their own biological children do not lead perfect lives. Wouldn't that automatically put them back into the old lineage?

Is God so imperfect that he would allow a human being to lead a checkered life and still be the Lord of the Second Advent? A perfect God could never allow that in a perfect universe.


In 2986, it became time for me to find another new revelation from God; one that could clear up all of my questions and give me answers that make perfect sense. And that book was The Urantia Book.

www.truthbook.com.  I have read DP probably 20 times. I have read The Urantia Book about 5 times.

Through this book; I was able to restore my sanity; my faith in the Creator of our Universe; and grow my relationship with Jesus. Jesus did not fail. He did not come to marry. He came to live the life of the common man; a perfected man. Jesus or "Michael of Nebadon" as he is also known; together with The Creative Mother Spirit; which we experience as The Holy Spirit----uphold this world eternally. At Pentecost; which is not mentioned in Father's works; Jesus poured out the Spirit of Truth into every heart that is opened. No religion or church needed. The Spirit of Truth and The Holy Spirit are all you need to lead you and guide you into love.

Always remember; men are either ego-driven (self driven) or heart driven (Spirit-Led). The signs of spring are easy to see. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit. If a man spends most of his time talking about himself; then he is neglecting the Giveer of Life. A true man of God just doesn't talk about good things----it will be completely obvious as to who his Master is because that is all he will do is to talk about how much he loves God. A true realized master will leave the self out.   












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