Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
So Jim, when Unification Church members do their outreach programs to Israel, North Korea, the Muslim world, and the Christian world----and they gather their representatives together in the name of the unification of religion-----is it just a ploy to secretly get them to join the UC movement? That's not what they say at these conventions. The UC members say they want to love and understand their brothers of different faiths. Did you ever wonder why, after 50 years----the UC didn't grow very much---while some christian churches have more members in one building than the entire UC movement? What's the problem?
I would suggest that the problem is people like you----very dogmatic and very narrow-minded. Are you planning to beat these other religions over the head with your Divine Principle book to get them to see that Father is the Messiah or try to razzle dazzle them with your air of superiority. Again, I don't think that Father teaches that or teaches that way. I would think that your consescending attitudes probably are driving people away. By the way, how many spiritual children do you have?
Jim, you must learn to love people simply because they are human. When you are so busy seeing Satan and evil everywhere-----that's a good sign that you need to begin to look first into yourself. What kind of a life did you have that has caused you so much fear that you see evil and danger around every corner?
You have a serious case of Religious Egotism. You think that you are so dedicated and are protecting Father but what you are doing is making people uncomfortable. Serving the Lord is supposed to be a joyous thing; and you have turned it into a war between the forces of good and evil. In reality, the war is really going on within your own mind. Only you are so ill that you are projecting it out onto others. What right do you have to rob other people of their happiness with your fanaticism? Only spread love. Being one with God means that you become an expression of truth, beauty, and goodness. You can't become a Tribal Messiah unless you can embody God's tender love----the same kind of love that a parent would have for his baby.
You come riding in; ego a blazing; with this self-righteous attitude. That is not God's way. In fact, the only way you can perceive God is through His caring love. That's why Jesus said that we must repent before we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven---which he also said---is in the midst of you. The Kingdom of Heaven begins when the love of God resides in your heart.
The short answer is---yes, I do believe that. And, I believe it had major repercussions---some of which still affect mankind today. But I don't see it as simplistic as you do. When you look at people in the world---you see all kinds of them, some of them are short, some tall, some skinny, some fat, some gifted and intelligent, some dull and ignorant--and some are almost as dumb as the dumb beasts in the fields. This is the product of genetics and racial diversity. It's quite a bit different from the Original Sin concept you are talking about. When one embraces the Original Sin concept---what they are saying in essence is---that some created being in the universe took control of God's children and caused man to be separated from God. When Jesus said, "I am the vine, and you are the branches. You need to be engrafted to me."
He meant it-----we have to be reborn in Christ. That is a sort of lineage transformation.
If I have received the Holy Wine in the wine ceremony----do my thoughts and outlook on truth determine whether I am a child of God or not?
There are extensive discussions about the whole subject matter in The Urantia Revelation. According to that book, there were 2 major problems regarding man on earth----The Lucifer Rebellion--where Lucifer-a high angelic being; Satan-one of Lucifer's lieutenants; Caligastia, Dalagastia, Beelzebub, etc--rebelled against Gods Plan of Creation.
Then, there was the default of Adam and Eve, aover 100,000 years later. Eve did receive the life plasm from another lineage, and Adam in sympathy for Eve--performed a sexual act. This did mess up the genetic strains and has caused many problems for even we who are living today.
The Tree of Life (according to the book) was a real tree. When Adam and Eve "fell" the way to the Tree of Life was blocked by an angel (according to the Bible). Adam and Eve became subject to the mortal lifespan at that time.
So, truth does intersect at different places---this is how we develop our view of the universe. Keep and open mind----read everything---free your heart----and let the Sprit of Truth guide you into all truth.
Jim to Jim---come in Jim,
Now we are finally talking---as one human being to another. I'd love to answer your question. I have sat before Father many, many times in England, Barrytown, The New Yorker, Seattle, Anchorage, Madison Square Garden--2 times---once for The New Future of Christianity and once during my wedding in 1982. I read as many speeches as I could, and many books that he wrote, including his latest one.
I sift through everything I hear and honestly try to determine WHAT TRUTH HE HAS THAT I CAN IDENTIFY WITH. Truth is truth. Poor little finite human being me---only has a limited capacity to understand the depths of heavenly truth---but I try. Many things that Father says---I do believe.
And, I do believe in his motivation and his heart, and his desire to do God's Will---just the same way I believe that you are trying to do God's will. When you read the story of Judas, you can understand that even though Jesus knew that Judas did not have pure motivation---he accepted him as one of his Apostles---and tried to change Judas' heart. That is the good shepherd seeking to find the lost sheep.
God did not create robots---like he did with the animal kingdom (pure instinct) when he created man. He gave man free will, an intelligent brain, and the responsibility to co-create his own soul, through his own decisions. As such, good people can disagree and still walk in the light. When your heart is overflowing with love that can only come from God because God's love is different than any other love---you wil cease to be worried that just because someone else has a different take on truth than you---they might be evil. You will know them by their fruits. And the fruits of God-----are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.
"I'm trying to help you understand" is what you said. Could not the same thing be applied to you? I'm not the one stuck in one book. Ask yourself---why do I believe the way I do? Anybody can speak speak words that say anything. What is it that causes you to believe those words? Can you answer me that? Did you actually see God come and tell you that what you believe is true? How many religions are there? How many spiritual leaders? Billions of people follow the teachings of Mohamed.
Why did you decide that Islam is not the way you need to view God? Every Muslim would tell you that THEY have the true way, the true prophet, and yada yada yada. Fundamental narrow-minded Christians would tell you that you are not saved unless you believe the Bible and get immersed.
They say you are going to hell if you don't believe it. Why don't you believe them?
The truth is----it's all about having a personal relationship in your inner heart and mind with God. Your relationship with God is yours alone. It's you and God. Jesus said that everyone that loves God with all their heart and loves his neighbor as he loves himself---fulfills all the law. Was he wrong?
The only way you can ever bring a person closer to God is for them to see God in you. Your dedication to your church is honorable---but don't let it shut your mind from the truth, beauty and goodness in other persons relationship with God. That's what God's gift of free will is all about.
© 2025 Created by Robert Williamson.
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