Unification Church 1975 missionaries

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Jim Spencer's Blog – April 2012 Archive (6)

The Difference between Equality of the Sexes and the Role of Men and Women

 I was confused in UC concerning the relationship between the husband and the wife and this explanation makes it more clear for me.

"The problem with the written word is that it can be interpreted in different ways. When individual expressions are used---rather than a multiple of expressions relating to the same subject---something can be lost in the teaching.

For example---just using one expression about "sex equality"---that men and women are equal in mind…


Added by Jim Spencer on April 13, 2012 at 8:33pm — No Comments

Subject: "The Ego, an Essential Commodity."

Some of you may know my wife, Anyas. She worked at the World Mission Center at the New Yorker. She is french, and she translates these types of works from french into english. I found this one to be interesting and thought that someone out there in cyberspace might enjoy it.  Jim



Teacher Samuel.

Received by George Barnard.

Samuel: "I want to talk with you today about language, and how over lengthy periods, at times quite short…


Added by Jim Spencer on April 10, 2012 at 8:23am — No Comments

What is Truly Important

Man was created to come to exist on the Physical Plane---on this whirling ball of dirt out on the edges of the 7th Superuniverse in the Milky Way Galaxy. God always has a purpose in what He does. So, we are here on Earth for school; for training; for preparation for…


Added by Jim Spencer on April 10, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments

The Definition of Brainwashing

Jim Rigney,

Jim, do you consider yourself a Religious Scholar, a religous student, a "Scribe of Damascus", a child of God, a teacher of men, a Disciple of Christ, a follower of truth; or; any of the above? A person that is truly following the religious life which he considers to be God's will should consider himself all of the above or at least---some of the above definitions of a spiritually dedicated person.

Did you see mentioned in the list----"parrot of words"; "unable to…


Added by Jim Spencer on April 6, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

How do we know what to believe?

God is invisible. Some of us humans can see spiritual beings. For example; I can "see" Jesus and angels through my spiritual eyes. I am slowly becoming more and more aware of the presence of higher dimensions of the universe although I am still relatively blind. There are people that are gifted with different abilities to discern greater levels of the universe around them. As we progress inward towards Paradise, we too shall grow in our ability to perceive the unimaginable beauty along the…


Added by Jim Spencer on April 5, 2012 at 5:30am — No Comments

Keep on plowing away


You are like the Energizer Bunny! You just keep on plowing away---pushing the message from speeches.

On the surface, you appear to be oblivious to the input coming from the spirit which severely jars your equilibrium. Because your internal divine guide is a fragment of God himself, and is connected with divinity----you are constantly receiving his inspiration in your higher superconscious centers. Far below the surface, the divine light of love is constantly beaming forth…


Added by Jim Spencer on April 2, 2012 at 6:46am — No Comments


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