Unification Church 1975 missionaries

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March 2012 Blog Posts (47)

The Difference Between Good and Evil


Whenever we see the words; "we/you must", "we/you should"----take note. This is the presumption that "I know what is best" or in your case, "Rev.Moon knows what is best"---------for my/your life. Rev. Moon cannot control me, you, or even the decisions his own physical children make for their lives. That responsibility is sovereign to each of us. God equipped each person with their own unique personality and indwelling divine guide. He sent prophets to give mankind big…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 31, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments

Another Account of Jesus 40 Days in the Wilderness---Better pray about this one before you discard it......


After spending some time in the vicinity of Caesarea Philippi, Jesus made ready his supplies, and securing a beast of burden and a lad named Tiglath, he proceeded along the Damascus road to a village sometime known as…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 31, 2012 at 4:47pm — No Comments

Are you the product of this teaching Jim?

No Jim, pretty pictures don't solve problems......and neither does quoting someone elses words.

What is important is...........how has the words of Rev. Moon changed YOUR life?

Have you now become a Christlike person? Is your heart as pure and deep as Jesus is? Have you won the battle between the spirit and the flesh? Is God in charge of your life----your thoughts; your actions?

Are you as full of love for everyone, including your enemies? Have you conquered the…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 30, 2012 at 1:00am — No Comments

Who Can Qualifiy for the Position of Christ?

Jesus Christ came and lived on earth for almost 34 years. He was the example of what a "Christlike" person should be like. Doesn't this make sense? So, if another "Christlike" person came along--especially to fulfill the mission that the original Christ couldn't accomplish----shouldn't this Christ do all that the first Christ did and more?

This should be a good way to determine when Christ comes back again----shouldn't it?

The first Christ forgave sins. Did you ever hear anyone…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 30, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments

Lessons From the Cross


"Although Jesus did not die this death on the cross to atone for the racial guilt of mortal man nor to provide some sort of effective approach to an otherwise offended and unforgiving God; even though the Son of Man did not offer himself as a sacrifice to appease the wrath of God and to open the…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 29, 2012 at 3:57am — No Comments

What would you do with Jesus words to Phillip?

Jim, You believe that Rev.Moon is the Messiah, the one that came to restore the original mission of Jesus---who was not able to complete his work because of unbelieving humans. Would'nt omniscient, eternal God already know what kind of people he was sending Jesus to in advance? If he knew that, why couldn't he wait until a more favorable religious environment emerged? 

There  is a huge difference between what Jesus said, according to the Biblical records about his mission and what…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 29, 2012 at 12:27am — No Comments

"WHO" decides "WHAT?"

God---by His own design----created billions and billions of human beings----each one different than all others----just like snowflakes. God gave each person a very unique gift; a gift by which each being can be known. There is only 1 Jim Rigney. Have you ever seen another Jim Rigney? If you have a dog or a cat---you know your own pet. There are dogs or cats of the same breed as your pet---but they are not your pet, even though they are the same breed.

When God gave each person his own…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 28, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments







Added by Jim Spencer on March 27, 2012 at 12:30am — No Comments



Added by kazuo and kuniko yokoi on March 26, 2012 at 10:52am — No Comments

Off your Meds again?


Are you off of your meds again brother? You know, Anyas and I have been in the health foods industry for 18 years. We see hundreds of people that have some kind of problem that can affect the quality of their lives. One of the common problems are emotional problems caused by depression. Some of the things that cause depression are internal conflicts between your spirit man (or woman) and your physical mind. Way down deep inside Jim----you have to know that all is not well. Your…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 26, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments

Misunderstood the Providence of God

Father and the Children aught to read this stuff. It certainly comes from much more intelligent beings than any of us---and even you Jim. None of us are as smart as we would like to think we are. Somehow, we fell into the morass of the "glorification of the self". Funny, that's the same problem that the fallen angels had, wasn't it? God trusted them; they did great for a long time---and then---fell in love with themselves. Next thing you know---here comes the ego---"Easing God Out" and…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 26, 2012 at 12:00am — No Comments

No--------------------------it doesn't

Sorry----that dog don't hunt. It's been 50 years now. The movement is going backwards.

We need a new PR company.

Added by Jim Spencer on March 25, 2012 at 1:41am — No Comments

Rodan of Alexandria

Nothing is spoken of Rodan of Alexandria, a Greek philosopher that lived at the time of Jesus. He had a group of followers and was witnessed to by some of the missionaries of Abner---who was another apostle of Jesus that was omitted from the Bible because he was at odds with James (a physical brother of Jesus)d and Peter's church at Jerusulem.(after the death and resurrection). However, Rodan's works were preserved and Jesus thought it significant enough to make an appearance to Rodan and…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 24, 2012 at 3:25pm — No Comments

How do you know that?

So the God that created the universe----all the levels of the spiritual world; all of the billions of constellations and galaxies; all of the star systems; all of the life inhabited physical worlds such as the Earth garden planet----with a perfect trajectory around the sun, perfect balance which allows an atmosphere and seasons and beautiful landscapes; and all the different animals, plants, fish----etc-------and yet-------------He can't control some rogue angel that disobeyed Him?  Are you…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 24, 2012 at 3:00am — No Comments

Words from a Master of Self-Realization

When the Bible said that "God is no respector of persons"----funny as it sounds, that included Jesus of Nazareth. (otherwise, how could the ruler of the Universe allow Jesus to die on a cross?) What was meant by this expression? What God is trying to teach us is that He created the universe for Joy. The highest Joy is produced through having give-and-take with other beings. Joy is produced when you give out the energy of your love and it is reflected back. The whole purpose of God creating…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 23, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

A Universe Unseen

We can only know what we can experience PERSONALLY. The big mistake that religious people make is to assume that they know what other people experience--or should eperience. You can only think for yourself. You can't think for others. Each person is an Individual Truth Body---unique in all the universe. Each person has their own eyes---only they can see the world the way they do. There are some common reference points such as ----values and the rules of living. But, God infinitely expresses…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 21, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Not planning to get invisible yet though


We could say that God is "invisible"---meaning---we can't experience him with our 5 senses. However, when Father matched me with my wife---he must have been able to "see" something about mine and her internal, invisible natures---don't you think?

Man is a unique creature on earth, and that's what makes us alone--God's children. We are built so that we have two feet on earth, while our "spirit" (for want of a better word) lives on the dividing line between the higher planes…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 19, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments

NOPE----He is not coming back as another human being---been there, done that already......

Jesus completed his 7th bestowal on Earth so that he could gain experiential knowledge of human beings. That's why he was born as a baby. He completed this with his death and resurrection and assumed his position as Creator Son of our local universe. Jesus (Michael) has no need to incarnate in another human body. In fact, DP says there is no reincarnation so---what's up with that? 



 "Jesus lived on earth and taught a gospel which redeemed…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 19, 2012 at 12:19am — No Comments

Not So----According to the Bible

Jim----your statment refers to the first time Jesus came to earth. He was rejected, and suffered many things. The Bible clearly says that when he comes the second time---he will come in power and glory and all eyes will see him. Check out those passages in the Bible and then quote them in all of your many translations. Hey, how about some equal time.


Rev. Moon did not exactly come on the clouds, in power and glory, and even though he has been here for 90 years----not very…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 18, 2012 at 11:29pm — No Comments

What are books?

Many people today worship the Bible, calling it the "Word"---as if it came directly from God. But if one studies the history of the Bible----they will see that it is a collection of different manuscripts from different historical times and countries. It was not until over 300 years after Jesus death, that an evil Roman leader, Constantine---commissioned several hundred bishops to get together to sift through the framents of material----to come up with a book. These ancient bishops,…


Added by Jim Spencer on March 18, 2012 at 9:57pm — No Comments

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