Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

January 2012 Blog Posts (35)

I Give Up


Lest I fall into the trap of becoming obsessed with this blog---I give up. True Love cannot be found in any book--The Bible, DP, or The Urantia Book. As long as the conversation stays on an intellectual level, love can never grow. It just becomes a war of words. Love, is felt in the heart. the heart grows through human experiences; through service; through prayer, meditation, and group worship. The barriers to heart growth are pride, prejudice, and intolerance. God is Unity. And…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 17, 2012 at 6:59pm — No Comments

Sin Comes from Pride---the false love of self--We must all subjugate ourselves to God's Will

Lucifer and his first assistant, Satan had reigned on Jerusem for more than five hundred thousand years when in their hearts they began to array themselves against the Universal Father and his then vicegerent Son, Michael.

There were no peculiar or special conditions in the system of Satania which suggested or favored rebellion. It is our belief that the idea took origin and form in Lucifer’s mind, and that he might have instigated such a rebellion no matter where he might have been…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 17, 2012 at 5:55am — 2 Comments

A Declaration of My Own Faith

Freely we joined the church. There were no gates or fences, either in or out. Each person has been given Free Will by his Creator----to live in the manner of his choosing. Sometimes we feel as though we are in prison---not realizing that we are there through our own choices. Humans are really good at making prisons for their own minds.

My statement was principally a declaration of liberation for myself. And, because I love the bretheren; I wanted to let others know that they too are…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 16, 2012 at 1:24am — 1 Comment

An Honest Letter from a 1982 Blessing Sister


I guess I'm not the only one that is crazy. Here is a letter that my Unification Church wife of 31 years wrote to a sister. I apologize for distributing it but it is so important. My wife has her own mind and her own beliefs, which do not always agree with mine. But, we are kindred spirits and soul-mates. Because of a heart-connection---there is no fear. She has her own connection with God and I trust in him to guide her and to show her the correct family values which lead to…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 15, 2012 at 5:29am — No Comments

Reply Jim Rigney

Jm, you said that, "just because it is in red type, does not mean that  Jesus actually said it", and, "show me where it says that in the Bible".

So, on one hand, when it's convenient to you, you rely on the Bible being the word of God---and when it's not, you rely on The Divine Principle and Father's WORDS as being the spiritual authority. The answer to this dilemna should be easy for you to grasp---if you think it through. All "truth" that either comes from a book or from someones…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 15, 2012 at 2:44am — No Comments

A Disciple of any faith is ordained through Heavenly Love

Whether you are a Unificationist; a Christian, a Hindu, a Buddist, or a Muslime---the standard is the same.

If we are to obey our Heavenly Father's mandate for us to "be perfect as He is perfect", and to reflect His image though our own personality----we must learn to love. Obediance is not enough. DP says that "in the Spirit World, we breathe love". Love is the energy of God that sustains the universe. A clue on how to learn to fill our souls with His love was stated by the Carpenter…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 13, 2012 at 4:48am — No Comments

Here we go again

Jim Rigney,


What's up with you man? Where did you get all of that RESENTMENT? To you, everything is "false this and false that". You see everything as "sneaky" and "twisted", and "false", and "evil". I would not want to live inside your mind, my friend. I couldn't bear it. Did you learn all of that from Father? Did he teach you to be fearful, to hate, and to judge anything that does not come out of the current book you are reading? Do you think that you are being the faithful…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 11, 2012 at 8:15pm — 2 Comments

Kelsey New Years Greeting from the Circle of Seven


Teacher Ophelius: “Greetings to all you students on the path in this new year of 2012.  This year shall be an exciting year for you all, and especially for those who stay on the path of love and oneness.  The spiritual pressure on your world will continue to intensify this year and many will find that their ability to manifest their reality will increase in power as…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 11, 2012 at 3:45pm — No Comments

It took me 40 years to figure it out

After 40 years, connected with the UC, I finally understand. Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. Rev. Moon places himself above Jesus, saying that somehow, he failed in his mission to earth. That little thought that continuously runs through my mind, telling me that Rev. Moon is all about the self----himself----has now finally come to fruit. It never did add up---the stories, the dysfunction, the personal riches, the self-glorification, the bad moods, the limosines, the jets, the…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 11, 2012 at 2:30pm — 12 Comments

Let Me Understand

So Jim, when Unification Church members do their outreach programs to Israel, North Korea, the Muslim world, and the Christian world----and they gather their representatives together in the name of the unification of religion-----is it just a ploy to secretly get them to join the UC movement? That's not what they say at these conventions. The UC members say they want to love and understand their brothers of different faiths. Did you ever wonder why, after 50 years----the UC didn't grow very…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 3, 2012 at 10:09pm — 4 Comments

What is True Love?

Humans think and feel; which corresponds to their mind and their heart. Whenever disunity exists, it is because of what comes from the intellect. The heart-mind is what communicates with deity. Around us, are spiritual beings that do not live in our dimension. Microwaves can cook food, but we cannot see them. Divine Principle says that in the last days, the spirits will descend in order to get us to pay indemnity so that we both can grow and overcome sin. So, Divine Principle talks quite a…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 3, 2012 at 8:54am — No Comments

How do we know what truth is?



How do you determine what "truth" is? How do you know what is coming from God versus what might be coming from your own mind? God is invisible and when we talk about "truth"; aren't we talking about concepts? How do you personally know that Father is the Lord of the 2nd Advent? Did God come down and speak to you directly? Did you see angels or have a very strong dream? The point I am trying to make is that each person has his own body, mind, spirit, and soul and…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 3, 2012 at 6:42am — No Comments

So let me ask you

Jim Rigney,


Jim, what then, will you do with the words that Jesus spoke such as----"How can you say, show us the Father---I and the Father are one---if you see me, you see the Father". "I am the way and the truth and the life---and no man may come by the Father except through me". "the sheep know their shepherd."

"If any man will acknowlege me, then I will acknowledge him before God". "A house divided against itself cannot stand."  "I will send the Spirit of truth to…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 3, 2012 at 5:06am — No Comments

The Unification Church Symbol

When we look at the Unification Church symbol, we see that there are 12 rays extending outward. This symbol was chosen to represent the Unification of World Religions. As Unificationists--how are we going to unify the world? Can we do it by jamming "our" view of truth down their throats? Can we do it by listening to other God loving people while having a secret ambition to get them to a DP workshop so that they can recognize Father as the Lord of the 2nd Advent? If we have that  kind of…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 2, 2012 at 11:11pm — No Comments

Jim, Jim, Jim


I'm not sure I know where to go from here. You are completely out of your mind. You are brainwashed----or----your brain needs washing----or something. You are completely deluded. You drank the Kool-aid brother.

A person gets stuck in their own ego when they begin to think that  they know everything----what the truth is; who is evil; what is right for everyone else; who is off track; and on and on. You need to come back to earth---among us other folks----who are also God's…


Added by Jim Spencer on January 1, 2012 at 3:32am — No Comments

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