Unification Church 1975 missionaries

Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975

Jim Spencer's Blog – December 2011 Archive (5)

To the Young Man Who Was Afraid

My young friend Jim,


Is this what the Divine Principle has taught you-----to resort to shamming and insulting others? My question again to you is---how are you  planning to unite the world?  Through force and intimidation? Look around you. Can't you see that the Universal Father is a God of love----a True Father? Would a Father treat me as you are treating me? How many years have you been in the church? Shouldn't your heart be growing more tender and loving if you are living…


Added by Jim Spencer on December 31, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

The Plan of Creation

Dear Jim,


According to what I learned from the Urantia Revelation---the Plan of Creation--in regards to human life on Earth---is best viewed with the description---"the purpose of life". Humans were created from the Earth--Stardust. Our goal is to Find God on Paradise, to one day stand before Him. To get there; will take ages and many lessons. A good starting point is to understand how little we really know, even about ourselves. Mastering ourselves is job number one. We…


Added by Jim Spencer on December 30, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

The information you asked for





Here is a web link to the papers of the book.  You can look through them and see if there are any that might be of use to you on your journey. I see that you are busy, so I won't "bother" you any further. But know that I see my mission as a teacher that desires to spread the message of the Fatherhood of God…


Added by Jim Spencer on December 29, 2011 at 4:26am — No Comments

Response to the Response from the Response of Jim Rigney

Well Jim; it looks like we have a full-blown discussion going here between two "James". I'm enjoying the discussion; and I hope that other's will be inspired to join in too. But, can we first agree on some basic understandings? I accept you as a child of God that has dedicated his life to sharing the good news of salvation with others----in whatever way you perceive that saving grace. Regardless of whether I intellectually agree with your assesment of truth----I believe in your heart.…


Added by Jim Spencer on December 29, 2011 at 12:22am — No Comments

Response to Jim Rigney

Dear Jim,


I appreciate your comments to my blogs. I can see that you are a thoughtful person; one who does due diligance on the research end of things. I can also see that; although you have a strong belief in the teachings of Rev. Moon; you have kept open the door to sincere dialogue. As you probably know, I was a "Moonie" from 1973 until 1986. I was blessed to a french girl and we have been married for 33 years. We have 3 children. I was a missionary to Laos, Thailand,…


Added by Jim Spencer on December 28, 2011 at 7:42pm — No Comments


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