Sharing God's New Covenant with the World Since 1975
When it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation with a person---where there is not the ability to contemplate alternate views; accept personal frailty, vulnerability, human error; without feeling judged, attacked, or guilt-ridden-----the person has a problem with Narcissism. ALL humans have this mental disorder to greater or lessor degrees, because it is part of the protective framework that allows us to survive in this world. But, when a person is severely afflicted with…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 14, 2012 at 10:30am — No Comments
"The more completely man understands himself and appreciates the personality values of his fellows, the more he will crave to know the Original Personality, and the more earnestly such a God-knowing human will strive to become like the Original Personality. You can argue over opinions about God, but experience with him and in him exists above and beyond all human controversy and mere intellectual logic. The God-knowing man describes his spiritual experiences, not to convince unbelievers,…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 12, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments
You are Satanic. You are a liar and a deceiver. You are headed for hell. You should never be allowed on this site because you are the devil. Oh, by the way.................God Bless you and have a nice Day! Isn't it pretty out today? (this is where you are supposed to laugh)
The pits of hell are being reserved for you. You will burn in hell, you and your imaginery Satanic buddies. Oh yeah, I forgot----God is love, in his holy name, and don't forget the texbooks, teaching…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 11, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments
I don't know what happened to Jim Rigney in his life----why he became the way he is. Ultimately, each one of us has to face the music and to make an accounting before the throne of our Heavenly Father, and His Son. Jesus hand-picked 12 men and 12 women disciples---each representing the different personality traits of God's pattern of creation. Not much is spoken about the women in the only surviving account-the works that were fashioned into the Bible, over 300 years after Jesus…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 11, 2012 at 11:30pm — No Comments
The question that we have to always ask ourselves is: Is my behavior a representation of the love of God? Have you ever heard Rev. Moon or Jesus speak in demeaning lanquage to sincere disciples?
Jesus did lash out at the Pharacees and the Scribes---but only because they had hatred in their hearts. They actively sought to destroy Jesus. 2000 years ago, in Israel, "blasphemy" was punishable by death.
The jewish clergy accused Jesus of blasphemy because they were in…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 11, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments
A man of God does not lower himself to condemnation, character asassination of others, and arrogance. These acts of self-pride are the dividing line between those that live in the Kingdom of Heaven and those that don't. First we learn----then we teach. That is th pattern of God's Kingdom. Unless we experientially learn about love and brothrhood first----we cannot stand in positions of authority. Those that try to do so----do not create unity and harmony. We should all learn from…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 11, 2012 at 5:30am — No Comments
Don't you remember the Divine Principle and what it says about "individual truth bodies?"
from: Unification Thought
"For humans, God's purpose of creation refers to the purpose for the whole and the purpose for the individual. The purpose for the whole is to give joy to the whole (namely, humankind, nation, tribe, and so on, whereas the purpose for the individual is to obtain joy for oneself. Therefore, people are supposed to have their own joy while pleasing God…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 10, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments
Anyone can say anything. Sometimes, what people are saying seems wonderful, divine, and awesome. We tend to think, 'the person saying all those things must have a direct pipeline to God". This is because it touches some cord within our mind or heart. Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Why? It is because embracing that religion, reading the Koran, and observing the rituals brings a sense of God to the followers. The same can be said of all other…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 9, 2012 at 6:40pm — No Comments
The "Pair System"-----it's not a new revelation. All creation procreate in pairs. There are millions and millions of perfectly happy couples in the world, and happy families. Where did you get the idea that there aren't happy, united families? You think that Rev. Moon has the only happy family? How about all of the tragedies and dysfunction within his family? How about the divorces, the kids out of wedlock, the abuse?
Is that what the ideal is all about? I have a normal family. It has…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 9, 2012 at 6:27am — No Comments
Guess what Jim---only God can provide the spark of life----that's why God is called THE CREATOR. So, if God is the Creator of life----including humans------he is our Father. Do you think that the Creator of the Universe would allow a created being to take over his job? There goes that little argument about lineage and original sin. Other beings can interfere with the life…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 8, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments
This is an excerpt from "The Tao of Foregiveness"
"Rules, whether they are internal or external, are dangerous tools. On the one hand, they provide a certain stability for our societies and for our personal experience. On the other hand, they easily become ends in themselves---slave masters whose purpose is to keep us in bondage rather than lead us to freedom. They become devices for punishment, supplying the ammunition used by parts of our conditioned mind (critical) to keep…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 6, 2012 at 7:30pm — No Comments
Okay Jim,
You talk about the formula of separation from Satan by gaining X amount of spiritual children each year.
So, tell me Jim----how many spiritual children do you have? How many members have you gained? How many people have you brought over to the Divine Principle? Did you fulfill your 5% responsibility? Did you get the required number of members? You never answered that question last time and I don't think that you will answer it this time either. Why? Because you…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 6, 2012 at 5:19am — No Comments
You love to bandy the words--satan and evil----about----quite a bit. Whenever you say such words---you are speaking from a dark place in your own soul. God is a God of Love----a God of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. God is light and joy, and happiness. God is purity of heart---of unconditional love, and unconditional forgiveness. When a person is fixated upon the evil in the world---it comes from a place of FEAR of the dark, the unknown, and the bogeyman. There is evil on this…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 5, 2012 at 10:30pm — No Comments
All these costumes and crowns are all about SELF-GLORIFICATION. Don't you realize that it was because of PRIDE OF SELF that a very highly created angelic being---Lucifer----fell in love with himself and was lost? Don't you get it yet? God silently pours out his love---never saying anything. The Holy Spirit never speaks of herself---She just keeps pouring out motherly love and nuturing Her children.
Don't you see the difference between God's nature of absolute investing of…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 5, 2012 at 6:00pm — No Comments
It didn't start with the pharisees or other "divine" monarchies---it has gone on since time immemorial. The pharoahs, the Japanese Emprorer, the French Monarchy, and many Kings have all claimed "Divine Right" over the ages.
People are afraid because they are taken advantage of. There was the Jim Jones movement, where members drank the poison kool-aid and 900 died. Then, there was the Charles Manson incident; and the Japanese subway bomber incident---more died. Then, there was the…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 5, 2012 at 5:37pm — No Comments
It didn't start with the pharisees or other "divine" monarchies---it has gone on since time immemorial. The pharoahs, the Japanese Emprorer, the French Monarchy, and many Kings have all claimed "Divine Right" over the ages.
People are afraid because they are taken advantage of. There was the Jim Jones movement, where members drank the poison kool-aid and 900 died. Then, there was the Charles Manson incident; and the Japanese subway bomber incident---more died. Then, there was the…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 5, 2012 at 2:30am — No Comments
There is a difference between self-discipline and self-punishment. In the Tao philosophy--self-discipline means the freedom to----a joyful pursuit of a natural path. Within our "punishment-conditioned" mind--our self falls back to the narrow pursuit of an unatainable "should do" or "should be". That we so often turn back to our burden is a mental habit that we cannot lay down----cannot give up.
When Jesus talked about the fact that man must be born again----He was referring to the…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 4, 2012 at 2:30am — No Comments
Jim---have you ever learned to forgive yourself so that you can accept that God takes responsibility for your creation? What is your own position in this universe? Are you really the great seer that you think you are? Are you really the loyal carrier of the Truth---one who guards Rev. Moon's dignity against all onslaughts from the unfaithful? Deep down inside, do you really feel qualified to be a direct disiciple?
Do you think that somehow, you have---or will achieve some sort of…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 3, 2012 at 5:34am — No Comments
Jim---have you ever learned to forgive yourself so that you can accept that God takes responsibility for your creation?
What is your own position in this universe? Are you really the great seer that you think you are? Are you really the loyal carrier of the Truth---one who guards Rev. Moon's dignity against all onslaughts from the unfaithful? Deep down inside, do you really feel qualified to be a direct disiciple?
Do you think that somehow, you have---or will achieve some sort of…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on March 2, 2012 at 2:22pm — No Comments
What Father says might be true. However, He didn't say what you are saying. There is a "Plan of Creation", which is universe wide. This does not mean that it is limited to our little earth. As Father pointed out in his speech, "Evolution is one little point in a very complex universe". We have not disagreement that Evolution has to have cosmic intelligence behind it in order for it to progress. What you are trying to infer, is that because Father said something that may be true---He is the…
ContinueAdded by Jim Spencer on February 28, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments
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